i hate titles

i actually don't know what to say. as you can probably tell, i've been really depressed for the past few days and i just feel drained. it gets to the point that whatever i'm feeling just wears me out so i guess that's at the point i'm at right now. i could barely wake up this morning. i'll probably get more awake throughout the day but i'll be tired for a few days probably.
and i realized that i'm not just depressed, i'm MAD. at a lot of people, it turns out. with my family, you just don't get mad, or at least you don't show it, because then everyone gets mad at you. so i'm keeping all this inside, which is NOT healthy. no wonder my head's been hurting.
huge subject change, was anyone close enough to the earthquake last night to feel it? it was centered in indiana or illinois or something like that. we couldn't feel it much here in ohio, i slept right through it. it was a 5.2 i think.
another subject change, i lost the notebook i was writing my death note fanfic in. i could just type it up on my computer, but i had some already written in my notebook and i can't remember all of it to type it up. if i don't find it by tomorrow i'll type it though, i need to get this part up before the next episode.
off to school. note my enthusiasm >_<

Today's Random Thought: Yes I do use my hairbrush as a microphone and dance around in my underwear. Thank you very much.
