Kami's Online Daily Journal

Dear Nina,
Finally a place where I can jot down my daily life!
A little place on TheOtaku just for me.
Where my fans could read all about my life.
All about my real life outside the internet.
But what should I call it?
A diary, a forum, a blog?
No, how about a journal...

Started Journal on:
March 20th '08, Thursday
Days Missed: 0

Daily Journal Ended. (Journal Entries)


March 16th '09, Monday - 7:20 PM

Dear Nina, FIRST DAY OF MSA TESTING. I think the heading is pretty much self explanatory. Yup. First day of MSA Testing. Since I typed a pretty long entry yesterday (it wasn't that long, compared to my To...

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March 7th '09, Saturday - 10:58 PM

Dear Nina, Ahh, a day out. It was pretty fun! We went to this High School where they had activities. It was a beautiful day outside too. It reminded me of Germany. Anyway, my mom was interested in that High School. I might be going there whe...

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January 17th '09, Saturday - 10:04 PM

Dear Nina, Very weird, bad, and extraordinary day. First of all, there was no water in my house. Yesterday, it was just fine. But I woke up to find that I couldn't wash my face, there was NO water. Of course all of us panicked and called the...

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January 5th '09, Monday - 8:19 PM

Dear Nina, I miss staying home! I enjoyed my 12 days off, but we need MORE! I kinda had a bad day at school. I was happy to see all my friends and all, but there's this girl who keeps "eyeing me". When I went in front of her in line (which I...

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January 1st '09, Thursday - 5:25 PM

Dear Nina, YAY! A NEW YEAR!! Welcome 2009. *sniff* And goodbye 2008. It's a start of a new adventure, just as I said yesterday. Yesterday, we counted off to midnight, and celebrated! We played with the sparkles outside and it was freez...

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