Kami's Online Daily Journal

Dear Nina,
Finally a place where I can jot down my daily life!
A little place on TheOtaku just for me.
Where my fans could read all about my life.
All about my real life outside the internet.
But what should I call it?
A diary, a forum, a blog?
No, how about a journal...

Started Journal on:
March 20th '08, Thursday
Days Missed: 0

Daily Journal Ended. (Journal Entries)


June 25th '09, Thursday - 11:00 PM

Dear Nina, Ahh. A day off with my father and brother. Actually, I was actually working these weeks, cause not only was I cleaning my bedroom, but I was also babysitting my little brother. But anyway, at first I didn't want to go anywhere, bu...

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June 24th '09, Wednesday - 8:46 PM

Dear Nina, I woke up, and instead of cleaning my bedroom, I just read. That's right. I read Fruits Basket #15. I'm so far ahead. I mean, I only have a few more volumes left, yet I still rush through each volume...

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June 13th '09, Saturday - 10:37 PM

Dear Nina, First day of Summer Break. Well, actually, it's a weekend, so I don't think you would label it, "First day". Whatever. I woke up at 8:45 AM, surprisingly. And my parents left to go shopping, so I stayed home with my brother. We bo...

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June 11th '09, Thursday - 8:05 PM

Dear Nina, I have ALOT to talk about. Well, ARIANA WAS AT SCHOOL TODAY! I was so happy! I mean, I just HUGGED HER! Anyway, I was really happy. During first period and half of second period, we went to an assembly. I didn't get any awards. I ...

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June 10th '09, Wednesday - 8:18 PM

Dear Nina, What a fine day! :3 Today, in Chorus at school, we watched a Musical. We have nothing to do! I mean, they should just end school already. IT'S COMMON SENSE! But I don't want school to end. But still, if they have nothing to do... ...

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