July 7th '09, Tuesday - 9:27 PM

Dear Nina,
Eighth Day of Family Visiting
Yeah, so I think I'm going to cry. Tomorrow they are leaving! This house, this huge house that I thought couldn't fit 10 people, will feel so empty. Ugh. I don't want them to leave at all! Anyway, today I woke up around 6:45 AM and my mom braided my hair. I then went back to sleep and woke up again around 9:00 AM. Then I got ready and slipped on my purple "New York City" shirt. Then I got my breakfast and took it downstairs, where Marc and my brother were playing. Then I ate my breakfast while watching them play games.
Then Marc's sister came and they played more games. Then they played Luigi's Mansion. They played that for like 3 hours! Then we skipped lunch and continued playing. Then we got ready to go swimming!! I took me a while to change my pants into the perfect shorts. I mean, I didn't want one that would get wet so easily. Then we headed to the pool.
I didn't want anybody to see me in my bathing suit, so I hid and kept changing in the Changing Room. I then slipped into my bathing dress thing and when nobody was looking, I took it off and dove into the water. It wasn't as cold as before. Then I played with Marc's sister and my brother. Then after a while, Marc came and I got out cause I didn't want him to see me in my bathing suit. And I slipped into my bathing suit dress. Then my brother came out too cause he got cold, then we played Volleyball. The teams were the people in the water and the people not in the water. Then I went back inside quickly while nobody was looking. Marc doesn't know how to swim, so it was funny. Then I swam all over the place, then we played catch with a ball. It was fun on the deep end. Then I got out again and soked the towel. Hehe. Then I took a quick shower and changed in the Changing Room into my clothes. That took me a while cause when I got out, we were all ready to go play Tennis. And we did. Except that only Marc, his sister, my brother, and I played. It was fun at first, but since I'm not really good at Tennis, he wasn't good either. And then he left and played Miniature Golf with everyone else. Then I played for a little while with my brother, then my Aunt Ina came to play. And it was fun cause she wasn't bad. And my brother recorded us while we played. Then I went and played a little of Miniature Golf with Marc and my Grandpa. Yeah, then we played around, and then we gathered our things and left. Inside the car, I was upset cause I do not want them to leave at all. *sobs* Anyway, then we showed them a little of our neighborhood. Yeah. When we got home, everyone else started packing. And I ate dinner, which was tacos and stuff. I'm REALLY upset right now.

Question & Answer:

Q: Today was pretty short for you, right?
A: Well, we were supposed to go to Ocean City but since we were all so exhausted from going to New York yesterday, we decided to just go swimming and not travel that far.

