July 29th '09, Wednesday - 9:55 PM

Dear Nina,
Day Three of Self Defense Class
After waking up at 6:30 AM to say goodbye to my parents, I fell asleep again. Then I woke up at 9:55 AM. Yeah, waking up was pretty hard again, but I had to because my mom was coming at 10:30 AM to pick us up. And so, I got ready and my brother ate lunch. I didn’t yet because where we were going, there was food. So then after getting ready, I was so lazy, I just sat down and watched the movie my brother was watching instead of finishing up. Heh. And yeah, I got in trouble cause my mom had to wait for me again. And as soon as I was in the car, I was still not ready. But no worries, I finished my hair in the car and also put on my socks. Then I played Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades while we drove to our destination. Today they were holding this type of Festival for the army (my mom’s in the army). It was okay. But anyway, on our way there, we kind of got lost cause we couldn’t get there. It was being held at a park. So yeah. Then we found the rode where it leads to and then we drove on it. Yes, it was a really rocky road, and pretty long. And it was so bumpy! Then we finally arrived there. When we got out, we got free stuff. Then we got some food. I got a hamburger. Then I tried out this game. I had to wear those type of goggles that show you how it would be like if you had 4 bottles of beer/wine. And I had to throw this thing at a target with the goggles. I did bad, of course. And I learned a lesson: DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE! Actually, I've known that since I was like 3 years old. Anyway, then we got balloons. Then I got an airspray tattoo. I got a rose and a Buddah! It was pretty fun. Even the music was cool! They played songs from 2006 and 2007! Then we got some more free balls, frisbees, hand-sanatizer, etc. And then we got cake. Then it started raining, and we left. We then drove home.
We arrived home around 1:30 PM. And my brother and I played with the free balls and checked out our new stuff! COOLIO! Then my mom left to go back to work. And then I read Shugo Chara on my mom's laptop until my dad came home at 4:00 PM. And he brang food for dinner. Then my brother and I played with the balls again. And we also watched TV. Then we ate dinner. It was Chinese Kitchen food! I haven't had that food in a LONG time. It was good though. Then after, I cleaned up, and then I played with this play-slime with my brother until my mom came home. Then I fixed my messy hair and then we left to go to our Self Defense class. This time, my dad forgot his wallet, so we had to go back. :P And then we all thought we were like 5 minutes late, but when we got there, they still haven't started!
So we watched the class before us finish up. And then it was our turn! We then took off our shoes and socks again! And we got out the mat like yesterday, and started! First we went over the moves from yesterday. I'm practiced so much last night and today with the flips, I did it almost exactly right! Well, it took me two tries anyway. Then we did the other flip and I got it right again too! Then it was time for this type of move where you make the attacker release you. I think we only learned two moves today... But anyway, he called on me first for some reason. And of course, I took like 10 minutes to get it right because well, I was first so how was I supposed to observe and know what to do? Grr! And then it was my brother's turn, and he did great. So did Angelique, except she took like 8 tries. She did it too slow. And then Mac, little show off, he got it in 2 tries. Grr! Then we learned anouther one, but I don't remember much about that one. All I remember was that I was first and I did okay. But our instructor kept saying that my 7 year old brother was AMAZING even though he wasn't that good. Am I jealous? Nah. Anyway, then we had to do this quick-thinking thing and add up all the moves he taught us. Mac was first, and he kept messing up saying, "What? What move was that?" It was funny. Silly Mac. I kept laughing too. Then he called ME up. And I guess that was my punishment for laughing at Mac. And the instructor even mimicked me by laughing. How rude. But you know what? I did okay. Well, better than Mac. I wasn’t good at fast thinking though. Then my brother was next, and he did okay. Angelique was slow again. Then we learned another move. I was wrong, we learned 3 moves today. We had to get down on our knees and try to wrestle our instructor. Kidding! We just had to trip him on our knees. Mac didn’t really get it. But when it was my turn, I did great. I flipped him really good. Then we had to do it again but this time, I was first. And he told us if we didn’t do it fast, we would be flipped. Okay. I didn’t want to be flipped like Mac was (he was flipped the first time he tried). So, I wasn't flipped, I flipped him first and did great. Nobody got flipped that time. Then we all talked about other lessons with our parents. And our instructor even told us about pressure points and showed us some. Then he talked about the other classes. And then, it was finally 8:00 PM and it was time to go! My favorite was yesterday though. And then it was raining hard when we got outside. My dad had to get the car.
When we got home, I practiced with my mom, dad, and brother. Whoa. My dad was brutal with me. But I really did flip him twice. And my mom, she helped me really well! Then my brother and I fought. My brother STILL can't flip me. And I can STILL beat him with using only my legs, by tripping him. Haha. Then I got my clothes for tomorrow and took a shower. Then I watched TV and then started typing this!

Question & Answer:

Q: Is Shugo Chara good?
A: You know what I think? It's AMAZING! Definatley one of my favorite manga. :3 I love it! I think Amu is really cool!! YAY!

