August 11th '09, Tuesday - 10:50 PM

Dear Nina,
Day Eight of Building Our Deck
Whooo. Today was pretty different. But not that different. Anyway, I woke up late, like at 11:00 AM because of staying up until 3:00 AM. My mom woke me up, telling me we were going swimming. I didn't want to go!! I WANTED TI STAY HOME AND WATCH MY NEW FAVORITE ANIME! Ouran High School Host Club is awesome! *thumbs up* Anyways, so then I complained and then she told me I had to come. So I put up a fight with her and told her I don't want to swim. And then after like 30 minutes, she went on the phone and talked to a co-worker. At that time, I ate some bagels and then played Bop It!. Then I asked my mom if I could stay again, and she said yes! I WAS HAPPY! And then she helped me with Rosetta Stone for the army since she's in the army on her computer! And then we ate lunch.
After lunch, I went back on my mom's computer and learned Japanese!! YAY! I HAVE Rosetta Stone now! And then I went on my computer and my mom helped me with it on my computer. Whoot! And at 2:00 PM, they left to go to the swimming pool. Haha. They were supposed to leave at about 12:00. And as soon as they left, I went on my favorite pillow couch and sat down with my laptop to watch Ouran High School! Then my dad came home around 4:00 PM. I just called him on my cell and told him that my mom and my brother were swimming. And I think he just assumed that I was with them because when I opened my bedroom door, he was shocked. And then he bugged me about staying home all day. Well, excuse me! And then he asked if I wanted to go to Target. AGAIN!? And I had a great reason to say no. Plus, we just went there twice yesterday. And then after he ate, we went onto our deck together. COOL! They built alot today. Now the floor is done, and so is the upper level. They are doing really well. Whenever I walk by the living room, I can hear them working and talking. Haha. Anyway, then he left. I feel sorry about not going with him, but c'mon, I didn't go swimming because I wanted to stay home. Why would I want to go to Target?
And so I continued watching. And then I went downstairs to watch it on my mom's computer. Then I watched it in my bedroom. And then my mom came home along with my brother. And I continued to watch. Then we ate dinner. For dessert, I had a little piece of my mom's cake she decorated. And then I went back upstairs. After that, my dad came home and I had to put my clothes away. And to make my dad think that I'm not trying to avoid my family, I asked if we could all watch a family movie. Well, he was sleeping, but atleast I asked. Then I went into my mom's bedroom to watch this TV show. Then I watched it in the living room with my dad. And then I took a shower. And I rushed upstairs and started watching more of Ouran High School Host Club. AND YES, I'M GOING TO CHECK OUT THAT MANGA WHEN WE GO TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY TOMORROW! I never knew they had that manga at my library but I checked on the website, so I guess they do. It's such a good anime though. I'm already on the 16th episode. I DON'T WANT IT TO END!! WHHAAA! :P

Question & Answer:

Q: How long did it take you to type this?
A: Haha! 16 minutes. Sorry about the BORING details. I have a habit of doing that nowadays...

