May 11th '08, Sunday - 7:08 PM

Dear Nina,
Happy Mother's day! Okay, yesterday I promised you that I would show you the picture I made for my mom on Paint. Well, to tell you the truth, there was no picture. He-he. I just made letters. It was for the front of the card I was going to make her. It's boring anyway. But a promise is a promise, right? So here it is:

Yes, I mad the flower and the laim leaf.
IT'S TIME TO STUDY FOR A QUIZ!! I'm going to have a quiz on the 15th of May. It's time for you to study for it. It's going to be a BIG Quiz! And I'm going to ask 30 questions. Well, maybe 25. Umm, no, 20. 20 QUESTIONS! It's time for you to study. I'm going to tell you some answers that are going to be in the quiz. It's like an interview. Here I go:
Favorite Website:
Favorite Fan Word: How to be Popular on theOtaku by Kohaku-Dono
Favorite Guide: Sayoko's Tips on MS Paint! by RSRKingdomHearts
Favorite Manga: Akatsuki With Lucki & Sesshomaru by Luckychan101
Favorite Paint Drawer: RSRKingdomHearts
Second Favorite Paint Drawer: Kawaii Socks
Favorite Drawer: Kohaku-Dono and Kachikamac
Second Favorite Drawer: mewmewlover55
Third Favorite Drawer: Luckychan101
Fourth Favorite Drawer: KittyKoma

Okay. Those are some questions that will be on the quiz. I know nobody will get all these questions right. It'll be impossible (unless they cheat). I just want to tell you, if you cheat, I will never find out, but it'll be unfair. Where's the fun if you cheat?
Today, we had to go to this place like FAR away. They had Shojo Beat magazines, so I was okay with it. I have a few Shojo Beat magazines. I have 5 of them. Anyways, when I was looking through one, I noticed they were having a contest. I looked at the previous contest entries, and the people who won didn't have good drawing skills. Believe me. If any of you read Shojo Beat, be sure to enter the contest, you might just win!

Yesterday's Answers:
1. 12
2. Stardoll
3. Eastern Time
~Bonus Question~ Paint, of course
BONUS, BONUS, RARE QUESTION: I really don't know myself. That's why I was asking.

The Winner is Kohaku-Dono!
She got 4/3 right. This is her 3rd time winning. Wow, how much do you know me? But I have so many requests, is it okay if you don't get one, since you already won?

Today's Quiz:
1. Don't cheat for this one: Name one of my Manga
2. Here's an Easy one: When is the date of my BIG QUIZ?
3. What's the theme of my contest?
4. What's my background for my MyOtaku?

Contest News: A few contestants. Not doing so good.

