May 15th '08, Thursday - 3:57 PM

Dear Nina,
OKAY! Today is the day. Get ready for the quiz! It's the BIG QUIZ I've been talking about sine the llth of May. Are you ready? There will be 20 questions. Answer them all correctly! Well, it's okay if you get some wrong. NO CHEATING! Your not allowd to go reasearch anywhere for this quiz. If you do, I'll find out! The winner will be annouced tomorrow. And, will get a BIG prize from me. Okay, ready? Get your pencils ready. GO!
1. What's my REAL name?
2. How old am I?
3. What's my favorite Anime?
4. Name 2 of my WORLDS.
5. What's my favorite Fan Word?
6. What's my favorite Drawer?
7. When did I join TheOtaku?
8. What's my wallpaper in my MyOtaku?
9. Who is "+"?
10. Deidara or Inuyasha?
11. Are there mostly AM's or PM's entries?
12. What do I say instead of "cute"?
13. How man Manga do I have?
14. When's my Birthday?
15. What time Centeral am I in?
16. What site do I go on besides TheOtaku?
17. Name 3 of my good friends.
18. What is the date of the first entry?
19. What's the theme of my current contest?
20. What heritage am I?

Okay. Wow. Don't forget to finish all these questions by tomorrow. Good luck!
Today we changed lunch seats. But I still got to sit with my friends. One of my friends who sits with me is named: Sarah. She loves Anime and Manga. One of her favorites is Skip Beat!. She's the one who goes to the Graphic Novels Club with me all the time. Anyways, I was thinking, have any of you read Skip Beat! #10? I have read 1-9 but they don't have #10 in my library at school. It's not fair! They should buy it.
Today I just noticed that there are wierd things happening on TheOtaku. There is a mystery of "The Cupcakes". Isn't that wierd? I have been seeing cupcakes next to people's names the past 3 days. THE CUPCAKES ARE COMING! Ahh. There are thousands and thousands of cupcakes floating around TheOtaku right now. There's even more to come. They're invating TheOtaku. There's more to come. Click here to enter the world of Cupcakes! AHHHH.

