May 16th '08, Friday - 4:56 PM

Dear Nina,
Okay, as you all know, I added a Voice Message to my MyOtaku. I would love for you to leave a message! The only thing you need is a phone. Then you have to press "Record by Phone". Then, you can follow the instructions. Just send a good message for me! Don't forget to say your Username, because you might send something and I won't know who sent it. Don't worry, it's all FREE. And it's safe, nobody can trace your phone number or anything. I can't wait to here it! Please leave a message after the beep. *beeeeep* He he.
Okay, er, umm, the Big Quiz! Not that much people participated, as I expected. So, if I wait just a little longer, there might still be people who want to try out the quiz. I'll just wait probably until tomorrow for people who haven't took a shot for the Big Quiz. For the questions, read Yesterday's Entry. I hope you participate!
Nothing really happend at school today. The only exciting thing is that I was picked to go on the Field Trip to the Aquarium! It's going to be on Tuesday. So when all my friends are at school having "The time of their lifes", I'll be having alot of fun at the Aquarium. Yay me!
The Library will be closing in like 7 days. I don't want it to close! I wish school could go on forever! Why do they have to close the library early? WHY? I might not finish my book I just got on time. I have to take a quiz on it and get points to get my grades up. I'm usually an A student, but if I don't take this quiz on the book, my A will go down to a C. EEEKK! I can't let that happend if I want to get anouther Manga book!


Note to Kohaku-Dono - Okay, I don't think I have thought of anything for the Second Request, but remember, the First one is to make a picture of you, Kachikamac, and me! OH! You can add Undatoad too. I forgot about her. She hasn't been on TheOtaku for a while. Still on that vacation? HOW LONG??
