June 6th '08, Friday - 9:30 PM

Dear Journal,
Just to let you know, I just had to start this whole post over because my computer just backed out of the program. So, I have to type this whole thing over again. AHH!
I know I talked alot about this yesterday but, I AM NOW ADDICTED TO YOUTUBE! It's so awesome that I wish I could hug it (if I ever could). OMG, IT'S SO FUN AND COOL [sorry I forgot to take my Crazy Pills, just kidding]. Youtube used to be a site where I could go once in a while to watch videos. Now, it's like a site that I have to go on everyday! It's as good as TheOtaku. Hold up Otakuites, I said as good as TheOtaku, not more. It just looks so fun uploading your own videos. You could be a Director, Musician, Comedian, Guru, Reporter, or a Youtuber. I'm currently a Youtuber, cause I haven't uploaded any videos yet. If I'm alloud to, I might even start uploading my own videos. And, I could even put them here on TheOtaku and make a World where I could put all the videos. Anyways, I found more Channels that I thought you would be interested in if you like funny, hilario, awesome videos. Here they are:

  • walllofweird - The crazy little YouTube channel of Katrina. Nothing to see here, run along.
  • Fred - A 6-year-old with anger management issues who's Hackin' cool! Judy will never love you.

As most of you know, today there was a Dance at my school. It was acually kind of funner than the other ones. And yes, my crush was there, but I bearly even talked to him. There's nothing really to talk about, about the Dance. All I could say is that I danced. Oh, I can also say that they played awesome songs. Here are the songs (that I can remember):
-Everytime We Touch by Cascada
-I'm Sorry
-4 Minutes by Madonna
-Love Song by Sara Bareilles
-Eletric Boogy Woogy Song
-Cha Cha Slide Song
After dancing, I bought 2 slices of yummy pizza, and 2 drinks [Coke]. Then, I began dancing again. I'm very boring at expaining things that were fun to me.
Does anyone know what happend to Kohaku-Dono's Subscribers? I noticed when somebody told me about it in a comment. I went to the 'Members List' and looked for Kohaku-Dono and I couldn't find her. That's when I got scared. Then I went to look in my 'Subscribers List' and didn't find her. I started to panic when I went to the 'Member Hop' and typed in Kohaku-Dono. I was relieved to find out that it didn't say Oops! The member name you typed does not exist in our network. Please try again.. I talked to Kohaku-Dono and she said she has nothing to do with it. I guess something went wrong when Adam was fixing the site. I don't know. Any ideas?

