June 8th '08, Sunday - 8:35 PM

Dear Nina,
I have to make this a very quick post so sorry if you don't understand a few things.
Today I just stayed on the computer, all day. I also played Mario Party with my brother for a few hours! Oh yeah, I kicked his butt big time! I'm so proud of myself. As usual, I was Peach, and my brother was Boo. I always get most of the Stars *cough* eleven. And, most of the Coins *cough* 227. I'm a Mario Party champion! HIYAH *karate kick*.
I've been on Gaia Online too. I figured out some 'BB Code' tricks and stuff. It's really harder than HTML. Anyways, I updated my profile if you were wandering. It looks WAY better than before even though it's still Under Construction. I figured out how to get a video on it too. If you want to see it, go to the profile of Kamilala-chan. If you want, you can add me as a friend if you haven't yet.
Again, I've been on Youtube. I changed the colors of the background to green. It looks much, much better. Pink just isn't my color. I also fized the background so that it ficks the whole screen. Before, it was so small that 2 of the backgrounds took up the whole screen. Now only 1 does. I'm a genius! I changed the video also. Note that it's NOT my video, it's the video I was talking about yesterday, the WWW Girl song. It's just such a kawaii song. I can't help that I'm addicted to such a cute song like that. I can't wait until my dad agrees that I should start making videos and putting them on Youtube for everyone else to watch. My first video will be me lip syncing to it.

Contest News: If I were you, I would submit my entry soon! But if you need more time, feel free to tell me and don't be scared. This might be the hardest contest ever!

Note to Kohaku-Dono - I don't think I have time to reply to the message you sent me yet. It was so heart warming that I would love to type a very long message back. I promise. :]

