June 9th '08, Monday - 9:02 PM

Dear Nina,
Oh. My. Gosh. I am so tired. I've been on Gaia Online for 4 hours editing my account. It acually looks better before. I added a cute picture of Haruhi on the side. That picture made the phole page brighten. If you want to see it, go to Kamilala-chan's Profile. I changed the background to same background I have on Youtube, but it's blue. I also made some 3-D buttons (Lucky taught me to do) for the links and the banner. I think MyOtaku is way easier than Gaia because on Gaia, you have to use the BB Code and not HTML. But if you go to different websites like Tektek.org and some other "BBCode Help" forums on Gaia, they can help you.
As most of you know, Adam has updated TheOtaku. NOW WE CAN SEE WHO SUBSCRIBED TO US! I want to thank all of you who made me go this far. Maybe later I'll make a big surprise that has all my Subscriber's names and a big 'Thank you'. Even if you don't comments sometimes, that's okay, I'm still happy you checked out my updates. Once again, thank you. Oh, and it also shows who you Subscribed to. I have more Subscriptions than Subscribers XP
Today at school, we had a Chorus Assembly. We had to sing songs, and listen to the Band, Orchestra, and Jazz Band. They were really good! I might want to join Jazz Band next year, because I would love to learn how to work with a Flute or Trumpet. Then, I'll start annoying you about how good I am playing with that insturment. Wait, where was I? Oh yes, we had to listen to songs, yadaya-yada, oh, the entire 6th grade had to hear me sing. I was so scared that I started blushing alot. I couldn't stand it, and I really wanted to run away, then I remembered that my crush was watching to. AHHHHHH! But wait, that's a good thing. He encoraged me to sing louder. And guess what? He started talking to me. :3

P.S. Tell the truth: Do I need to extend my sentences? I have a habit of making really short sentences with like 4 or 5 words, which makes it seem boring. Should I extend them? Should I? I think I should. Do you think I should? Oh no, here I go again!

