June 15th '08, Sunday - 10:11 PM

Dear Nina,
I am so tired right now. I have been sitting on my bed, on my laptop, surfing the web the past 8 hours. I was just about to get up and take a shower, and then I remembered I had to type up this whole entry, which takes 15-30 minutes. Sometimes it even takes about an hour. So, my fingers feel like they're going to fall off *dies*. Please excuse the misunderstood words that I spell right now. I'm too tired to correct them *yawn*.
Happy Father's Day! What did you do for your dad today? I made my dad a picture I drew on Microsoft Paint that I was talking about yesterday. It probably took me 3-4 hours. If you want to see it, here it is:

I know it's not perfect, but it's okay. The eyes are all messed up, but I think I did kind of good. I used RSRKingdomStars's Sayoko's Tips on MS Paint! Guide. It helped me alot on the Anatomy. Anywyas, since my dad loves Tools, I made the girl hold a Tool box. I also added a "Happy Father's Day" on the shirt. Do you like the hair? I messed that up too. Oh, and quess who the girl is? ME!!
Today, I was mostly on Gaia Online again. But this time, I was working on my Profile. I added more buttons, and on the bottom, I added a whole bunch of Banners from Mini Stores on Gaia Online. It makes it look all gadgety, and I like it. If you want to see it, go to Kamilala-chan's Profile ong Gaia Online. I also made my own car today. It didn't cost me that much (because it was free). I had to buy accesories for it though. My car is blue with cute angel wings! It's so kawaii.


P.S. Today I just figured out that you can download a Digital Camera so that you can record yourself surfing the web. Here's the best part: IT'S FREE! I might do that, but it seems so borring for me to go surfing the web from site to site on my first Youtube video. What do you think?

