June 20th '08, Friday - 10:23 PM

Dear Nina,
Heart... hurts. I'm upset *crosses arm over the other*. I'm a very bad person. Just now, I looked up at my ceiling, and thought of all the things I've done bad on my virtual life on the Internet. And wow, I did some bad things. First of all, I haven't been talking to my great friends on TheOtaku and Stardoll, and phfftt, I expect them to submit an entry for my contest? Also, I haven't been replying to a n y b o d y. I can't believe people like Stixx, xoas, and mewmewlover55 even bother to comment. I'm so bad that I'm too lazy to type down all the people who comment on my entries. I feel so bad for Kawaii Socks and blueangel110 cause I said I'd enter their contest, and guess what? I DIDN'T SUBMIT ANYTHING!! I was supposed to reach the deadline, and I didn't because of my *beeeeep* scanner. I'm a very mean person. I didn't even go with the contract. Today, I was on the computer for 4 hours! I think I'm doing better but then it'll start extending to 5 hours, then 6, and 7. Kami is a mean person :P. Sorry, I think I had to much Sky Flakes. He he, yum.
Okay, not that I cleared all that out, I have something to confess. I NEED TO ADD ANOUTHER THING TO MY SUMMER TO-DO LIST *turns off Caps Lock*! Let's see, I would also like to go to New York this summer. So I updated the Summer To-Do List. Here it is (new, and improved):

  • Read All Unread Manga
  • Read New Moon and Eclipse
  • Upload atleast 1 Video on Youtube
  • Have or get invited to atleast 1 Party
  • Clean Room
  • Go to an Amusement Park
  • Upload atleast 5 drawings onto TheOtaku
  • Go To New York

I just realized that summer isn't that long. Only 2 more months. I can go through that. I guess this list might not ever be completed until next summer. Who knows? Maybe I'll have some spare time.
I have a reason I was only on the computer for 4 hours. It's cause once again, I went swimming. I think I'll be going swimming every other day from now on. Anyways, today we went to the indoor pool. It wasn't as fun as the one outside but, it was fun. Ofcourse it was warmer but, it was kind of small and empty. Nobody was there. So I pretended to be in my own Anime Show. I was pretending to be the Kawaii Kami-kun. I know that 'kun' is mainly for boys but, I can't say 'chan', it doesn't start with 'k'.

Contest News: DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JUNE 28TH '08!! Sent Warning Messages to Contestants who haven't submited their entry yet.

