June 22nd '08, Sunday - 11:22 PM

Dear Nina,
Do you like Contests? I love them. Expecially the ones that are original. I don't really join contests that are just plain old Drawing Contest with no theme, just draw anything you want. Boring. I join the exciting ones like Kawaii Socks, mewmewlover55, and Kachikamac's. Today, I also decided to join Luna Lei's Contest. I thought the Deadline was on June 25th (that wasn't enough time so I decided not to join), but it turned out to be July 25th. That means I have to add it to the list:

Today I was mostly on Gaia Online. I changed my avatar outfit. It looks so kawaii. It's a school girl outfit (which costed hundreds of gold). Gaia Online is just so fun. If you haven't joined, go to Gaiaonline.com today. You can go on quests, watch movies in the Movie Theater [also throw tomatoes, skittles, etc. at the screen], watch YouTube videos with your friends, play games, create your own house [once, I invited a friend to a sleepover at my Gaia house], buy clothes, create your own shop, go fishing, go to Towns, auction, create a Profile Page, message your friends, make a Guild, chat in Forums, create a Playlist, submit your Art, trade things, make a Mini Shop, label people your Friends/Enemies, make an Online Journal, build a car, Rally, and more *dies because of too much fun on Gaia Online*. If you decide to join Gaia Online, be sure to tell me so we can be friends! My account on Gaia Online is Kamilala-chan, if you didn't know. Request me!
We didn't go swimming today, but tomorrow we might. I so can't wait to try out my new tanning lotion that smells like Gum Drops again. I also want to try out my new Squirt Gun that squirts 10 feet long. I want to feel the coldness of the water. It's so hot where I live. I want to feel the water go through my hair. I want to be cold, not hot. I can't wait until tomorrow, I really can't. I wander if I could build something that could make time go faster. Hmmmm...

P.S. Yesterday, right after I posted up the Journal Entry, my Subscriber subscribed back to me. I wander why. Anyhoo, I also gained a Subie today. I'm on the roll *rolls*

