June 23rd '08, Monday - 12:11 AM

Dear Nina,
I understand most of you think that because it's past 12:00, means that this entry is acually supposed to be titled on the 24th. But as most of you know, I don't count it as the next day until 1:00 AM (because it's not so confusing that way). This is the 3rd time I typed an entry at 12:00. Atleast I have never skipped a day since March 20th [the first day I started this Journal]. I hope you guys still count this as an entry on the 23rd, like I do.
I'm am so psyched that Adam added a new feature to TheOtaku! Now you can change the color and font of your text, when you comment and send a message. All you have to do is go to the Backroom. Then click Profile. Last, click Comment/PM Style. Finally, you can change the font and color. You can here the same thing by Adam if you go to the Behold: Color post. I changed my color to green (my favorite color) and changed my font to Verdana (my favorite original font, I use Arial on my Worlds). I might change the color to something that matches my Avatar later. Adam told us to be gentle with this feature, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE GENTLE, IT'S SO AWESOME!?!
Today, my backroom got drownd with so many PMs, Updates, and Comments. I got about 14 messages, 10 comments/comment replies, and over 20 updates. That doesn't seem that much but, that's alot. One time, I had 21 comments/comment replies. And anouther time, 16 messages. Don't get me started on that time my backroom was full with updates from my Subscriptions.
I joined the Ninja Club! It's based on Naruto. DeidaraNarutoClan helped me pick the character I was going to be. Most of you know that I've only read Volume 1 of Naruto, so I'm a beginner. But then I looked around Narutopedia. I found this girl named Chiyo. She looks nice, and so I decided to pick her. I have no idea who she is though. Does anyone know anything about her? I kind of need help. Oh, be sure to join the Ninja Club!

P.S. Once again, today I went swimming. It wasn't that long this time, but it was fun. *spashes you with water*

