July 4th '08, Friday - 10:24 PM

Dear Nina,
Happy 4th of July! I was planning to submit a Fan Art but my dad wouldn't let me use the scanner cause I haven't cleaned my room yet (just to let you know, my room isn't a mess, it's just full with boxes cause we just moved here). Just wanted to say happy 4th of July to all of my great friends out there. I didn't get to see any fire works because these tall houses were blocking it. All I saw were some lights. So we baked those cookies for nothing :P. Oh well. The 4th of July isn't about Fire Works, it's about independence (that's why it's also called Independence Day too). Well happy Independence Day/4th of July day to you again *waves American flag*.
OMG! I found out this song called Caramelldansen. I'm not sure if it's a song or a dance, or both, but it's really funny. My brother was browsing Youtube and then he found a Ben 10 Alien Force Caramelldansen. It's so cute. Caramelldansen happends to be a very popular song/dance. People made Inuaysha, Pokemon, Naruto, Ben 10, etc. doing the Caramelldansen. It's just so funny and adorable! After a while, my brother and I started dancing to the song *starts dancing again*. You gotta watch it!
Anouther day on Gaia Online. I made up my mind, Gaia Online is now my favorite website. Why? Well it's Free. Apsolutley free. No cost. 0. When the TheOtaku Premium launches, my love for TheOtaku will vanish entirely *sob*. I know my parents will say no if I ask them to $29.95 a Year just for a Premium account. I like TheOtaku because it isn't just any other website. It's like a place where people understand me. A place where I could type about my life, type about my feelings, be understood that I'm a crazy Otaku, and make friends. Well that's going to end soon. That's why I'm moving to Gaia Online, it's just about the same, except Adam won't be hosting it and I can't be a crazy Otaku cause people would think I'm insane. TheOtaku is like a shelter for people like me, and I like it the way it is. Adam really shouldn't follow the tradition of dozens of websites. Well it is his website, he could do whatever he wants with it. I just don't like it.

P.S. I lost the auction on Gaia Online, just to let you know *sob*

P.P.S. Today I updated my brother's profile on Gaia Online. You gotta check it out, just go to: Nikolas-kun's Profile.

Ask Kami:

Q: Stixx - If you could spend a day with anime anime/manga character, who would it be and what would you do?
A: That's a no-brainer, INUYASHA! I would pretend to be kidnapped by Naraku so my brave hero, Inuyasha (or Sesshomaru), could save me!

