July 7th '08, Monday - 10:07 PM

Dear Nina,
Whoohoo! I've been my tagged by Kachikamac and ms Ai! Since I'm tagged twice, I have to type 16 facts because 8 + 8 = Fish, I mean, 16! Okay, Le Factés *tries to act French*:
1. I have brown hair
2. My dad is from the Philippines
3. My favorite websites are TheOtaku and Gaia Online
4. I have 2 great friends on TheOtaku I've known for about 1 year now
5. The biggest book I've ever read is Twilight
6. I have a 6 Year Old brother
7. I despise Photoshop because it's too complicated
8. I love Microsoft Paint because it's so simple
9. I haven't completed anything on my Summer List yet
10. I hate pancakes
11. After watching all the Inuyasha episodes there is, I started crying because I wanted more.
12. I'm the champion of Dance Dance Revolution Universe
13. I beat the whole New Super Mario Bros. Game for the Nintendo D.S.
14. I laugh at pointless things Ash does in Pokémon
15. I have been keeping list of things to type about for my next Journal Entry on a Microsoft Word Document since March 30th '08
16. I have a Nintendo D.S., Game Cube, Wii, Xbox 360, Gameboy Advanced, Gameboy SP, and a Gameboy Micro
17. I was the first one in Europe to get the Nintendo D.S.
18. I started almost ever fact with "I"
Wow that's alot of Facts! It's way harder than it looks! Now I'm going to tag:
Stixx, Xaos, and ms Ai.
Once again, I'm sorry for not submiting any art or deleting the Kami's Contest world. Today I had to clean my room. I acually got a little bit of process done since my brother was in Summer School. But I kept getting distracted to all the amazing treasures I found whenever I digged through a pile of stuff. When I was emptying my School Backpack, I found a paper with my crush's e-mail on it! I have no idea how it got there. I dont' recall writing down his e-mail because I don't know it (and it didn't look like my handwriting at all). Maybe I stole it from him? WEIRD. Anyhoo, I didn't manage to clean up my whole bedroom but I did get to make one side of the room look pretty.
Now, tomorrow! Again, I won't be keeping promises that I'll submit my art but I think I'll might be able to delete the Kami's Contest World and make a new one. I alredy know what the theme is going to be. And no, I won't tell you *whispers* it's a secret. But I can garantee that you'll like it! It's creative, original, and fun! I really can't wait because I love decorating Worlds, no matter how long it takes :3

Ask Kami:

Q: Stixx - If you could travel to any place in the world where you haven't been before, where would it be?
A: THE MOST EASIEST QUESTION EVER! I would always go to Japan, no matter what!! :3

