July 13th '08, Sunday - 10:28 PM

Dear Nina,
Wooohhooo! Tomorrow my dad said he'll be able to scan some of my art! I'M SO EXCITED! Finally I get to use the scanner. For some people, they have their own scanner and they get to use it whenever they want. But with me, it's a different story. First, I have to ask my dad (which he usually says later, in a hour, or tomorrow). Then I have to scan it onto my dad's computer and save it on a Memory Stick. Last, I go to my laptop and open it up, then save it, and edit it on Photoshop. I know somebody who only has to scan it then save it. She's so lucky *hint hint*.
Tomorrow I'm planning to try something new. That's right, after I drop off my brother at the bus stop and finish watching Pokémon, I'm going to try something new. OMG, LYK KAMI IS GOIN TO TRI SOMTHIN NEW! I'm going to.... Well, I don't know. Any ideas? I can't cosplay cause I have no costumes. I also can't make a video yet. I NEED IDEAS!
Since I have absolutely nothing else to talk about, I'm going tell you what Worlds I'm a Guest Poster in. I know that's boring but that's my life nowadays. Well I'm a Guest Poster in:

Wow, that's alot! For some people, that's only a little, but to me, it's alot! I'm so glad that I have so many places to post! But I only posted in The Watercooler, Sesshomaru Fan Club, and Kachi's World. I really need to post more in my Guest Worlds.

Ask Kami:

Q: Stixx - Have you seen the movie Wall-E?
A: Yes I have, a very adorable movie. I wrote about it on June 29th's Entry. X3

