July 22nd '08, Tuesday - 9:55 PM

Dear Nina,
Have you ever watched a animated movie that was really good? And that one of the characters made you feel, weird? Today I watched Horton Hears A Who, and it was really good! This character, Jojo, is acually kind of cute. I KNOW, IT'S WEIRD TO HAVE A CRUSH ON A CARTOON/ANIME! It's maybe cause he's different. In the beginning of the movie, he doesn't even speak a word and is shy. But at the end, he's a big help to his town. If he were real, I would love to meet him. I just keep picturing him in my mind. They way I feel about him, is like the way I feel about Edward (Twilight). I know that was random, but I just needed to get it out of my system :]. Don't be afraid to say to yourself that Kami is one weird girl. Cause I am! And I'm happy to be wierd! Now that was my example about why it's okay to have a crush on an Anime/Cartoon.
*dreams: swims in a pool of Copic Markers, where the sky is blue, pink, orange, and green..* He-he. I wish I had Copics. Copics Markers are markers, created for Creative People [motto]. In many of my "How to Color Manga" books, most of them measioned the Copic Markers. Their perfect for creating Manga! I've always wanted them. I would also love the How To Draw Manga Special: Colored Original Drawings book. So your big question is, why don't I have them? Why? WHY? WHHHHYYYY? CAUSE THEIR $6 A MARKER! If I buy a whole set, that would cost me over $220! *sob* EVEN ON EBAY IT'S EXPENSIVE! If my dad ever bought me them, I would never be able to buy Manga, video games, and of course he wouldn't even be close to thinking about paying for the TheOtaku Premium. My dream is to atleast touch a paper with a Copic Marker in my hand. Whoa, that would be the greatest feeling in the world!
Do you still remember my Main To-Do List? The only thing I got done on it is going to New York. I really should get something else done. Anyhoo, I'm planning to add anouther thing that I might not accomplish until 2010. It's to go to the Library. I've never been to the Library in my town. Since I just came here a while ago (from Germany), there really shoulnd't be a surprise. I just don't have time to go there. Well I think I should really go to there soon. I heard that they have Manga. I WANNA READ ALL THE MANGA! I might be able to check out some Naruto Manga! That'll be awesome! I could also check out Twilight and read it again, since I don't have it (I only have New Moon and Eclipse). Wait, isn't going to the library already on my Main To-Do List?

