August 5th '08, Tuesday - 11:59

Dear Nina,
Wow, so many Subies! Is this a dream? Is this really happening? AMAZING!! How did I get 4 Subscribers in 1 day? On June 21st '08, I had 49 Subscribers. Now I have 88! How did this happend? I'm not even submiting art, and when I do, it's simply boring or not creative. Am I getting all these Subscribers because I comment alot? I know it's not because they know me. I bearly even reply to my comments (sorry, there's just so many). I already have 3 Windows of Comments open so I could read them. And I have 6 Private Messages. Sorry if I've seemed dead the last few days. There's just so much going on! I have to make a "Friendship" Book for my Best Friend, finish my Main To-Do List, and more. Soon I'll read all my comments, okay? I'm sorry. Okay, where was I again? Anyways, I HAVE ALOT OF SUBIES! Maybe one day I'll be able to have more than Adam! Nah, that'll never happend. Heh.
I GOT ALL MY BADGES! I would like to make this 'toast' to my brother who is the reason why I even got to play the game. That's right, I got all my badges today! And I also played Pokémon: Fire Red Version for over 20 hours in less than one week! Isn't the awesome? To celebrate, I made a Trainer Card:

External Image
Made on

(Since My Character wasn't on there, I had to use Dawn. And sorry, no Friend Code)
Since I got all my badges, I'm now able to enter the Pokémon League! But when I headed there, I had to battle my Rival (Tohru). And to me, that was the toughest battle ever! It probably took me 2 hours! IT WAS HARD! I kep loosing to his Charizard! But since my Bulba learned new awesome attacks, I was able to win! Tomorrow I'm going to have my first battle in the Pokémon League!
Today was the Finale for I Survived a Japanese Game Show! It was amazing! The first Battle was called "Making Friends in Japan" (I think). They had to go into a city and try to communicate with the Japanese. They had to get a Japanese person to:
1. Draw a Mustache on them
2. Kiss them on the Cheek (eww)
3. Put on a Statue of Liberty Costume
4. Give them a Business Card
5. Do the Wave
The next Challenge was called the "Squishi Squishi" (I think). And they had to wear Sumo Wrester Costumes that absorbs water! The object was to get as much as water as you can in a bucket by using your Sumo Wrester Costume to absorb then squeeze out the water. The last Battle was amazing! It was like all the Battles ever made squeezed into one. It was so exciting! The guy won. I won't tell you who though, you have to watch it! I can't wait to see the next Season :3!

