August 8th '08, Friday - 2:58 PM

Dear Nina,
The reason why I'm typing this entry at this time is because I'm going somewhere tonight. My mom is going to take my brother and I so we can be a part of the American flag! We're going to hold like a peice of paper that is either red, white, or blue. And the "Professionals" will put us in place and they'll take a picture of us from the sky. The image will look like a flag! I bet there's going to be alot of people if they want the flag to look big! Maybe we'll be able to acually buy a copy of the picture! That'll be awesome. And if we do, I might be able to post it here in my journal. Well until then, we'll have to wait.
Today I'm going to try to convince my dad to buy me the Pokémon: Diamond Version game for the DS. I really, really want it. My brother has been playing it non-stop since the day he got it! He has only been getting like 2 hours of sleep. He's even playing it right now as I type! I think he's trying to make me jealous... Anyways, I really hope I can convince him to buy it! I've been thinking about it ever since. So wish me luck!
What will I do when I reach 100 Subscribers? I always ask myself this. First, I will dance around like I'm crazy. Run outside doing the Macarena. Go back inside and start hitting my brother. Then probably die because of a heart attack. So I'm really looking foward to doing all of that (not the dying part) if I ever make it to 100 Subscribers. *sigh* I wander how it will be like. 15 Comments per day? People acually reading these sometimes-boring posts. That'll be the life. Let's see if that day soon comes. I just need 11 more Subies! :3

