October 23rd '08, Thursday - 9:05 PM

Dear Nina,
Yes, this entry is really late cause it's a school night, but I had homework!
Oh my toothpaste. Today I had to go the the dentist. So I had this wiggly tooth since like 6th grade, and it still hasn't come out yet! I was worried that they might have to pull it out. My mom made an appointment today for me, so I had to go. At first I thought they would clean my mouth (I wasn't in the mood for that) or take out that tooth. I. Was. So. Scared. When the dentist told me to sit on the chair, I couldn't stop shaking. Then she started telling my mom about the tooth and that it should be taken out. I told her it was about to come out, and to give me 1 more month. So that's about it. If the tooth doesn't come out in a month, she'll pull it out *sighs of relief*. YAY! That gives me a month, and that was it! We didn't do anything else, no cleaning, no anything, or hurting! YAY!!
Yesterday I scared my mom like I said I would! After typing my entry, I tip-toed downstairs. Unfortunatley, at the time I posted that entry, they finished the movie. I was planning to crawl behind them and scare them and get a clear shot! But I didn't get that chance. When I was at the bottom of the stairs, I heard my mom tell my dad that she was going to go upstairs, so it was either I don't scare them at all, or just jump out and scare them even if it's not a clear shot. So I did jump. IT ALWAYS WORKS!! She screamed, and so did my dad. The Strangers was the scariest movie they've ever seen too! My dad rated it a 9/10 of how scary it was.
Today we got new bus seats. Acually yesterday we did but I didn't ride the bus yesterday home (I had Newspaper Club). I HAVE TO SIT IN THE VERY BACK IN THE SMALL SEAT! I hate my bus driver for making me sit in the back. I should have been there yesterday, to get the good seats. Anyway, I don't hate my bus driver (cause she's really nice and I really don't know her), but did she have to make me sit in the back? Atleast I get to sit by myself. But in the afternoon, I have to sit with a guy like 1 year older than me. HE'S HUGE (not fat huge)! I'm scared of him. I once had to sit next to him, and it was scary. When it was time for me to get off the bus, I was too scared to ask him to move. Now I permanatley sit next to him. He's not mean to me, but I just don't like him. He's suppose to be 1 year older than me but he looks 3 years older than me. I'm scared. And when he was told to sit next to me I could tell he was annoyed he had to sit in the small seat with someone else. He even said out loud, "GOOD THING SHE'S SMALL!!" Hello, I'm still here! Well he's not that scary or mean (acually I take that as a compliment). Atleast he asked me what my name is, my grade, and what music I like (what a random guy) today, so he won't be asking me anymore questions for a while.

Question & Answer:

Q: What did you do in Computer today?
A: I finished half of the typing program and got my 'Expert Touch Typest' certificate!

