November 27th '08, Thursday - 11:08 PM

Dear Nina,
Happy Thanksgiving! *hands you a turkey* To celebrate Thanksgiving, my family went to a Dining Facility on post. To tell you the truth, I don't like stuffing, ham, roast beef, etc. I'm not really a Thankgiving meal fan. I used to not like Turkey either, but after having this amazing-tasty piece of Turkey for lunch, I started like Turkey. It's okay, but not better than chicken. At the Dining Facility, they had these amazing nuts! They had them last year too! When I was like 5, I use to find them on the ground, crack them open with my shoe (stomp), and eat it. Ewwww, thinking about it now, I think that it's really gross. But instead of stepping on it and finding it on the ground, we got some from the Dining Facility, and my dad opened it for me (not stomping on it). IT'S REALLY GOOD! Yummy. What did you have for lunch? For dinner, we had some tacos. Hmmm, tacos on Thanksgiving? Last year, we had some amazing seeweed and sushi. I wonder where we got it from. And of course, we picniced by the TV and watched a family movie while we ate.
I had the weirdest dream ever. Since I fell asleep at about 12:00 PM yesterday (I didn't go to sleep after typing that entry), I woke up at 10:00 AM today, giving me alot of time to dream. I don't remember it clearly, but I'll still tell you what I remember. My dream was about where Adam's secret place is. I know it's random, but that's how all dreams are like, right? Anyway, his secret place is at the end of a train. When you go inside, it's all messy, with pillows, a computer, and stuff. If you wanted to meet Adam, you had to go to his secret place. At the end of the train, there is this bookshelf. If you pull out the book that says "Adam", the bookshelf will turn into stairs. When you go down the stairs, you enter a library. But if you turn around, you'll see a torn brown envelope. If you pull out the envelope, the wall will collapse, and you'll magically appear in a room. And that room is Adam's secret place! Dreams are sometimes weird. But what I like about dreaming, is that stories I dream about, characters, and settings, I would never ever acually think of them if I haven't dreamt about it. And also, if the TV is on, my dream goes along with the noise. Like if we're listening to some Barbie song, it'll feel like I'm or one of the characters in my dream are singing it. For instance, in the other dream I had today, I was listening to a song called "Connected" (I think), and my dream was about a group of my friends were dancing around singing it. Once, when my mom was watching TV in the morning (and I was still sleeping), she was watching the news. Some people were arguing. At the same time, I was dreaming about being in jail arguing with the police. Recently, when my mom had the radio on in my room, a beautiful song was playing while I was sleeping, and I had a beautiful dream. Cool, huh?
Yay Death Note! I was only able to watch 2 episodes today, but it's getting better! And once again, I must let out the truth. It started getting boring when Light and Misa forgot all about the Death Note, and that they were investigating the Yotsuba Company. For the first time ever, it got boring. AND I MISSED RYUK AND REM! On I think episode 22, when Rem came back, it got much more exciting again! I guess the key to excitement are the Shinigami! GO SHINIGAMI! Oh, and on Episide 20, the theme song changed. Grrr. I liked the old one. This new one is... scary. They say lots of bad words :P. UGH I MISS THE OLD THEME SONG! It was way better *sigh*.

Question & Answer:

Q: What did you do yesterday that made you stay up until about 12:00 AM?
A: I DREW MY OWN SHINIGAMI! She's 12 years old, and her name is Kina! SHE'S SO KAWAII! I still have to give her some wings though.

