December 2nd '08, Tuesday - 9:06 PM

Dear Nina,
Yay!! Plan B worked! I hope Plan B will work again today. Yesterday, my mom was the best. She told my dad exactly what I told her to say! First, I woke her up (she's usually grouchy whenever I wake her up, but surprisingly, she was okay with it), and told her my plan. I was to go upstairs and give her "the signal" and call my dad. And now my dad thinks it was my mom's plan, but it wasn't! And guess what? My dad just came by and Plan B worked again today! But tomorrow, my mom and I can't use the same plan. :P Anyway, as I said yesterday, I don't want to explain why my dad wants me to sleep up there.
I didn't have an ordinary ride home on the bus today. I sit at the back of the bus, if you didn't know. And I sit next to two 8th graders that are really loud. Today they were talking about boxing and how one of them had to fight a woman. Then, someone at the front called their name, and they started fighting/talking. The boys next to me kept screaming their heads off to the girl they were talking to up front. Wow, that was irritating. And then the same girl called my name, and I didn't even know her (she's an 8th grader too). She just said "hi". Why? Dunno. Weird, isn't it? Not really.
Yeeeaaaah. I'm watching TV, as you can tell. I'm not making any sense again, am I? When I was going to tell you the "bus event" I had today, it was supposed to be... interesting. I'm not even sure if you'll be interested at all. I just can't concentrate while watching TV. Yes, I can turn it off, but I don't want to! I'm watching an episode of The Biggest Looser (it was just on, so why not watch it?). This is the third commercial since I started typing this (I type every commercial). Even though there's a commercial, I still can't concentrate! Sorry!

Question & Answer:

Q: Who's your least favorite character on Death Note?
A: Mellow. If he's supposed to be a guy, what's with the long hair? (And he wants to be L's successor?)

