April 6th '08, Sunday - 9:50 AM

Dear Nina,
*sigh* Anouther day past by... Already? Weekends go by really fast. Don't they. Well, if days go by fast, Lucky is going to announce the winner soon, right? But thats on May 1st. And I can't wait anymore! 5 days later is when Contests announces the winner for his contest. I just hope I win one of them.
Yesterday's entry I talked about Nina's personality. I couldn't think of anything, so, I decided to draw a picture of Nina! I'll start drawing it today!
Also, yesterday, my computer wasn't working. Again. My dad installed this Cyber Sitter for me. And it doesn't let me watch videos, check my e-mail, or go on Kachikamac's portfolio or her My Otaku. It doesn't let me go on Picnik to crop/resize my pictures. Thats why its taking me a while to submit the picture I made for Lucky's Contest. I'm not a baby anymore! I should be able to surf the web withought that Cyber Sitter thing. Who could've known that they already invented a baby sitter for your computer? :P
Okay, since I'm already talking about computers, I just wanted to tell you, I don't use those smilies or icons that much. Its not that I don't like them. Its just, if you type up something, it doesn't look that nice with it. You understand? I know Luckychan101 uses the smilies/icons, so I'll try to use it often. Just for her.
There's a girl on The Otaku named RSRKingdomStars. I just wanted to tell you that she is amazing. She uses just a mousepad, and a mouse to draw these amazing pictures. She knows more about Microsoft Paint more than anyone I ever knew. So, I subscribed to her. And I think you should too. You'll enjoy the pictures she makes on the computer. Oh, and no, she doesn't use a tablet (I wish I had a tablet).
Now, I'm going to talk about 'Subscribing'. Here are all the people I subscribed to so far:

If your on this list, and you don't update often, I might take you off my subscribtion list. I don't really subscribe to people who only go on once 2 weeks. If you want me to subscribe to you, make sure that you go on, and keep updating to make me happy *giggles*. I really hope you subscribe to me cause I update everyday. This a daily journal. What part of daily don't you understand? Well, I just hope I get atleast 1 more subscriber so I can be on the Top 100 on the member's list.
Okay, I have to go now cause, I have to get ready to go to Barnes and Noble! I'm going to use that 40$ gift card. And I'm going to buy Naruto manga! YAY! I can't wait!

