April 12nd '09, Sunday - 12:22 PM

Dear Nina,
Day Eight of Wisconsin
WE'RE BACK! YAY! But sadly, I'm sad. I don't know why. I don't know what I expected, but I'm sad. Right now it's 1:23 AM. And since we were just in Wisconsin, I'm going to use that time and call this "Day Eight". So it took us 13 hours to get here. *shivers* It's not that bad as it sounds. When we first drove to Wisconsin, it took us a 2 days because we stayed in a hotel. But if you drive there in one day, it seems shorter.
We left at 10:30 PM and got here at 1:00 AM. The only one who was crying was my mom and my grandma. Heh. Well I didn't cry. I woke up knowing that I was leaving. It was pretty upsetting. I was going to miss my grandma. And her house is just so HOMEY! And I packed. And packed. My cousins and I said our goodbyes. And I said goodbye to everyone. And we drove off. I wanted to stay. During the first 4 hours, I was singing songs. And it didn't seem like 4 hours to me, but maybe 1 hour. Then it went uphill there. I mean, it took a LONG time. We first stopped for lunch at McDonald's. I gotta tell you, I haven't aten McDonald's since last year. YUM! I know it's not good to eat that kind of food, so I limited myself. But it was good knowing I haven't had it for a while. YUM!!
Then we got on the road again. I barely played my Nintendo DS. We then stopped again to stretch our feet, bathroom breaks, and gas. Suddenly, after we put in gas, I think I closed my eyes and drifted away. As soon as I opened my eyes, it was dark. I was all like, NO WAY! I mean, I was just awake... or was I? It was only an hour, and it had gotten so dark! Well then I listened to the music and thought about my house and how I missed it so much. Then we stopped one more time for gas. Then I took anouther nap at 9:45 PM. I woke up when we were here! YAY! I was so happy! We all left our stuff in the car though because we are all tired. After this I'll take a shower! WOW! Our house seems BIGGER! At first my grandma's house seemed small, then I got used to it. And now my house seems huge! It's kind of scary, and cold. Well, I'll miss my family, but... SO LONG WISCONSIN! Yeha!

Question & Answer:

Q: Are you happy to be home?
A: Yes, I am. It might take some adjusting to the size, but I love my place. I just kind of wish I could've stayed in Wisconsin a little longer...

