April 29th '09, Wednesday - 8:11 PM

Dear Nina,
Today was a better day. I woke up late and I had to do my math homework. Though, I managed. We had Algebra for two periods. It wasn't that bad, I got my homework finished in class. In P.E., we played Volley Ball. In Social Studies, we watched that same video we watched on Monday when 14 out of 18 kids in my class fell asleep. This time though, no one fell asleep and the movie was pretty cool if you actually listened to it. After school, I planned to go to Newspaper Club, but I just stayed with Aisha and Besty again until 3:50 PM. IT WAS FUN! We played around, and I hid Besty's stuff. Yeah.
Then when my dad picked me up, I just waved to Aisha and Besty goodbye. Then we went to pick up my brother. After, we went to the library. I had my library card, but I didn't check out anything. Weird, huh? It's just, I have so much to read right now. There was no point in going, right? When we got home, my dad and I played Ping-Pong. He's really good at it, so I lost. But seriously, I'm still the Ping-Pong master!
Tagging myself:
1. My room is still messy.
2. I'm really messy.
3. Last year my locker was clean, but this year it's messy.
4. I'm not organized.
5. Even my binder is messy.
6. Well my binder isn't really messy, but my notebook is.
7. I get good grades though.
8. I'll manage.
Yeah, I should be more organized.

Question & Answer:

Q: Where do you live?

