May 23rd '09, Saturday - 11:15 PM

Dear Nina,
Trip to Washington D.C.:

Yeah. It wasn't that bad. Yes, it was surprising, but it was okay. Since I'm still coughing and stuff, I wanted to stay home, but no. I had to get ready and we had to leave at 9:00 AM. On the way, I was bored. It took 2 hours! Yeah, that's nothing compared to my trip to Wisconsin but still.
We finally arrived in Washington D.C. and first we parked our car. There was this sign that said "This way, Kiss and Drive". Haha. What's that supposed to mean!? And so we went inside this station, of course I was excited and my mom started getting tickets. We were going to go inside a subway! Yeah, I haven't been in one in like, forever! And so we were the first people inside the train and then every stop, which took like only less than 2 minutes, people would come in. It was so cool because at first, I thought the train went too fast, but when you get on it, it's not that fast at all. And after like 2 stops, we went inside this HUGE big tunnel. I mean, there was alot of people in there. Finally, after like, 10 minutes, we arrived in Smithsonian.
We got off the train and went up these stairs and out off the cool big tunnel. You know what's weird? We were going to watch Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian today, and we were ACTUALLY in Smithsonian. So we went and saw the Capital and then we went inside a museum I went to in the 6th grade on a field trip. IT WAS FUN! First we checked out the dinosaurs, then the water creatures, and we saw the Hope Diamond. And we also saw butterflies!! Haha.
Then we ate at like 3:00 PM. Then my brother had the nerve to tell my mom that I called him a "bad word" that I did the day of the Chorus Festival by accident, and yeah, I said it was by accident. He called me a pig, so I wanted to call him a boar, but I accidently said something else. And I started crying. Yeah, right there, in front of all the people and my $40 meal (wow, expensive). I seriously couldn't help let the tears go out. I feel dumb. Anyway, after my mom cheered me up saying it's okay, we went to the gift store. There was some cool souvenirs there, but I ended up getting... umm... Well, it's too embarrassing to say, but. Um. I mean, who ever finds a book abou this subject? Anyway, I got this cute book for kids about... Poop. That's right, poop. It's called Poop: A Natural History of the Unmentionable. IT'S JUST SO CUTE!! Anyway, I guess some people might be able to guess what else I got? That's right, not only did I get a book about poop, I got a book made OUT OF poop. Yup. Panda poop, for sure. Actually, it's a journal made out of panda poop. Panda poop can actually be recycled into paper. Who knew that!? Anyway, let's change the subject.
And so we finally got out and went to anouther museum. Actually, on the way, it was HOT. We walked through the Mall. And we went inside this red castle place. It was called Smithsonian Castle. Inside was cool and we saw an actual crop that was in the movie, Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. COOL! Too bad we couldn't watch the movie today because they ran out of tickets. And then we left and walked to this Rocket Museum. We had fun there too! We first went to the "How do Things Fly?" place. There, we played with all these cool things that had to do with flying. I learned about Drag, Thrust, Pull, and Weight. Yeah. And then there was this thing that showed how much I weighed on the moon and on Jupiter. Then we watched this guy's presentation about Drag, Thrust, Pull, and Weight. He had mini helicopters, and stuff. It was entertaining. After, we went inside 3 space shuttles and air planes. Yeah, I wouldn't want to go to the bathroom inside a space ship. Anyway, we saw how big the Sun and Jupiter are compared to the Earth. And we just looked around. We saw alot, but I can't remember all of it! :P We were also able to see our body heat.
We kind of got tired around 6:00 PM. We then went to the Souvenirs Shop and it was bigger than the one at the other museum. It had 3 floors! But it was still kind of boring. And then we left the museum to take anouther long walk back to the subway. Then we saw a helicopter that we think that the president was in. Wouldn't that be cool? I mean, there was the Washington Memorial right there, why wouldn't the president be near by (especially in the White House).
Then we finally got to the subway entrance and went down the stairs into the dark tunnel. COOL! And then we walked around and waited for our train. This time, there was ALOT of people on the train. So much that I had to stand up and hang on the bars. I was kind of cool hanging on some bars with only my hands. We finally sat down and then we got off and went on anouther train and so on. Then we finally arrived back where we started. Yeah. Then we went inside our car and said goodbye to Washington D.C. That was fun. :3 And I took a nap in the car. What a great day! We're going back when my grandparents visit. Yay.

P.S. Typed on mom's computer.

Question & Answer:

Q: From a scale from 1 to 10, how much did you like Washington D.C.?
A: Hmm, it was probably an 8.

