April 19th '08, Saturday - 2:53 PM

Dear Nina,
Today I helped the community! Not in a big way though. I picked up trash in the park. Lots of people had trashbags picking up litter too. The park was so beautiful that there weren't that much trash to throw away. We got a free lunch too! Isn't that great, handburgers?! Yum.
Yesterday I noticed that Kohaku-Dono is now the most popular member of TheOtaku! She has more subscribers than Adam! Great job Nami, I knew you could do it. That explains why she has a Fan Club. Nami, does Undatoad know that your the most popular member in TheOtaku? You should tell her! Undatoad might be as famous as Nami if the members of TheOtaku find out that Undatoad is Nami's sister. I don't really think that it matters if your popular on TheOtaku though. I don't worry about having a few suscribers. All I worry about is having to type up a entry for Kami's Corner everyday ;]!
Yesterday, I also created Kohaku-Dono a banner. I know she'll never put it up. I know she might not like it, but since we've been friends for so long, I want to pay her back by making this banner:

I hope you like it Nami! I kind of don't. It's too crazy! I'll probably make a different one. I also made one for Kachikamac, but I'm not done yet. I'll show it to you in tomorrow's entry!
Yesterday I didn't get to read any of my Skip Beat! books. I got too tired after surfing the web, that I fell asleep at 10:30 PM. I know I might be able to read them today! I can't wait till Kyoko surprises Sho with her great acting. I will read it. I garentee it!

P.S. By tomorrow, there will be over 800 views for this world! When that happends, we'll celebrate!!

