“My name is…” He paused then turned towards her direction to see her face, “My name is Matoyac Kapranova. It is an honor to meet you.”
I heard Yelena giggle but not in her usual evil way but more of in an innocent tone. She was happy. I stayed under the medicine desk waiting for the right moment to come out.
“Does it hurt?” She asked, walking closer to his bedside.
The man did not answer her. But the Princess did not get mad.
“Where were you fighting at?” She continued again with the questions.
There was a long silence in the room before Kapranova answered. He was probably too dazed to think straight at the time. Either that or he was thinking hard of how to answer.
“I do not remember.” He claimed.
“Well, were you in the war?”
“Yes, I think I was. I remember seeing so much darkness. The battle…it was fun.”
I immediately showed myself from my hiding place. “He’s lying!” I shouted. “Battle is not fun, it is sad and horrible!”
Kapranova did not seem surprised by my appearance. He just merely asked me who I was and looked at Yelena again.
“My name is Ashlan Reyles and I am prince of Milto. My people are strong with peace and know too well of what war brings. You are a liar, soldier and you know it to well!”
Yelena looked at me with astonishment. She did not know this side of me. This defending side to me that held me closes to my family and my pride. I was not about to get walked on by some weaken soldier.
Kapranova just scoffed at me and looked at Yelena, “You know this prince?”
“Yes, he is my future husband.” She said as though she were the defeated.
“Yes I am hers and together we are going to stop all these battles.” I must have sounded so ridiculous to him. Ending all battles, the very thing a soldier is trained for.
Before anything else could be said the King of Secrete walked in. You could feel his anger piercing out of his body.