She then grabbed my wrist and asked me to follow her. I just nodded my head obediently; afraid she might hurt me if I don’t listen. But before I left I glanced towards Papa for an okay and he gave me the “okay” face.
She was pulling my wrist, but it didn’t hurt, towards a banned part of the area. I halted in my steps knowing that we were entering a forbidden dark unknown area.
“We aren’t supposed to go this way,” I sternly told her.
She turned around quickly, her hair getting in her face. “Says who?”
“Says my Father!” I think I stated that a little too bluntly and profound because she just looked at me as if I was joking. However, in reality I didn’t mean to sound like I was pretending to be someone serious, but more like someone who she would listen to. “It’s a forbidden zone for soldiers only. I’m not going to follow you; we’re going to get in trouble.”
Yelena just giggled. What was wrong with her? Why was she so obsessed with breaking the rules? Did she enjoy punishment? Or maybe, she wasn’t punished at all like I was.
“It’s because you’re from Milto. That’s why you’re such a sacred chicken.”
“That doesn’t make any sense!” I demanded justice at such a young age.
“Yah huh, it does. Daddy says people from Milto are too afraid to start anything serious. That’s why they have such poor economy and losing their people’s lives. People from Milto are too passive and have no sense of reason. It’s true, it’s true, that’s what he says.”
I yanked my wrist out of her grip and shouted. “You know nothing of my people! My country stands strong without waging war! We aren’t like Secretes who think fighting solves everything! You are just a dumb girl who knows nothing. You can’t even keep your mouth shut, you improper …you!”
She glared at me with those royal blue eyes. I wasn’t sure what to expect next. Was she going to cry? Was she going to hit me?
“Well, well, I…” she struggled for words. Proving my point that she had no idea what she was talking about. “Well, if you won’t go,” she continued, “then I’ll just go on ahead by myself. Who needs a baby like you anyways?”
She stormed off into the darkened alley leading to the soldiers training area. I stood there for a while by myself considering my options of what to do next. I didn’t want to get in trouble if anything bad happened to her. I mean, I was the older more mature one and it was my responsibility to protect her. After a good thirty seconds I was well on my way following her towards our doom.
What a crazy young girl she was; making me do these outrageously daring things for her. How frustrating it was! I walked through the grey stoned walls, kept on hallucinating thinking I heard ghosts and saw things crawling on the walls. Where did she go? She couldn’t have run that far in the short time I was standing there. The fear was getting the best of my. I put my head down low and started walking faster and faster. My breath becoming louder I constantly looked around. How long was this tunnel? How am I going to get back? And then, there was the exit. It was cloudy now; it wasn’t the best timing for my mood. I had to get the princess back secretly and safely. I didn’t want to get caught by any soldiers nor did I want my Papa to find out.