Kurama's Heart

Kurama's mind remained occupied for the rest of the day, though he doubted few realized as he exchanged his routine greetings and answered the few questions the teachers directed his way. Inside, he continued to wonder what pushed Youko, what his last words meant, if they meant anything.

Kurama's brow furrowed. What piece was he missing? Why did his past self seem to believe that those words would mean something to him with only the bloody scene and them to go on? Was it something he, the demon in a human's world, understand better than the fox thief part would?

Kurama paused.

Something he would see better than his fox self? He closed his eyes, recalling the last moments. Youko stood, his long sliver hair gleaming and trailing behind him like cold impenetrable winter mist in the breeze, as blood rained down on him from the swaying monster plants in his control. The gold eyes met his.

"Now, you know."

Of course.

Kurama set his book down on his lap as the truth struck him. Youko had met his horrified eyes, accepting his condemnation; he had not turned away. The fox knew how horrible the slaughter had been, how useless; although he had seemed to be orchestrating a systematic deathtrap, it had been deeper than that. HIs hand clenched. Much more disturbing.

Youko Kurama had lost himself and hadn't cared to stop it. Something drastic had driven him over to the other side. Youko's glee had echoed in his mind, pounded against his skull. It was more than just overwhelming fury. Youko had let that rage dictate his actions, fuel his brimming youki, give him pleasure. Strategy, logic, distance, all of those characteristics had been replaced. Raw, unrestrained emotion had been set loose and governed his mind.

"Now you know."

Yes, Kurama acknowledged, another drop of sweat sliding past his brow, he did.