Kurama's Heart

Kurama awoke, gasping. Sweat beading his brows, Kurama heaved in a breath for his starving lungs. He knew what he had seen and experienced, but he couldn't explain it. Something had been wrong, very wrong. Kurama shut his eyes. What was it? What had
Youko been trying to impart?


Kurama started and latched onto his youki, forming his trademark rose.

"I'm off to work. Please come down and have some breakfast before you leave for your exam."

Shuuichi blinked, breaking the focus, and closed his eyes. It was only his mother. He stood up off his bed and opened the curtain, flooding the room with early morning light. He pushed the window open. Airy choruses of birds rippled against his ears. He sighed.

Shuuichi Minamino had an exam today, one he was well prepared to take and surpass.
That was what mattered now.

Still, he had almost let breakfast slide.

Whatever had happened in this dream had shaken him enough to break his routine.

Shuuichi chuckled. Only momentarily. He would be fine.

What was in the past was the past.

Even if it left him trembling.


I have already started on the next chapter, so hopefully, I will be updating soon, as in the next two weeks. Anyone have any ideas what this mystery is?

~ To be continued ~