
Busy busy busy!

First, my mom starts and finishes remodeling our bathroom, then she begins on the work necessary to change a room in the basement into my bedroom. Now, she plunges the whole house into her crazy remodeling. Yes, I am very busy. When I am not at work, I am usually working on the house with her. I might just slim down even more without me noticing (again).

(Need to replace two pairs of pants)

You might say it isn't fair for her to monopolize my time like that without much warning. At first I would be agreeing and ranting to you. However, that isn't the case now. I may be dead tired at the end of most days, but really, our house is undergoing quite a fun change. As long as we don't start arguing and butting heads, it's turning to be a way to get closer to my mom. That is something I've been hoping for. Therefore, believe it or not, most of the time, I am quite at peace with the present chaos.

So far, my room is painted and empty, ready for the furniture. The next steps are more purging upstairs and changing the boys' room. Then, my room will be shaped with the rest of the basement. Hopefully, we get this done before the real heat sets in.

Today, my parents are away getting the boys from college. More workers for us. ^^ I am writing and enjoying the break.

Hope you enjoy the update. There is only one problem with all this. I miss you guys. *HUGS* Stay strong, friends who are struggling or workaholics. Everyone smile~
