Wow...I'm...I'm done!

Hey hey,

So....I'm done. I'm done finals! I'M DONE SECOND YEAR. I'M A THIRD YEAR PHYSICS STUDENT NOW. I'm HALFWAY through my undergrad career...

It just seems surreal thinking about it like that. I mean, I'm HALFWAY through...not just like, just started. Even though it still feels like that. I'm HALFWAY through.

I know, I'm rambling. But it's almost 4 AM, and yesterday I got up at 8 AM and studied all day, followed by a night exam. Then partying (massive amount of gaming and pizza, it was epicly awesome). So can you blame me?


Anyways, just a short post to let the few who care to know that I am still alive.


Still in awe, not to mention hella tired,

- Kastom
