Youmacon is over...

Hey hey everyone,

So I'm on the train back to Ottawa from Youmacon (wifi on the train, yay). Overall, awesome. Sure, the con itself may not have been as good as ACen, but hell, when you get to see amazing people like Kat, shultzie, Ryu, Nehz, and Hiko, it really doesn't matter. *sigh* I miss Kat already...

I guess I might as well go over the whole thing right now. I haven't got much else better to do, lol.

So for me it started Thursday morning. I got up at 5 AM, and got onto my train to Toronto at 6:45. Got to Toronto by 10:30. Layover until 12:10. Then got to Windsor by 4:30, where I was picked up by the great guy that is shultzie. We head to Detroit, and go over the Canadian-American border. And got totally dug into by customs. We had to go into a waiting room, while they tore apart shultzie's truck, and also went through some of our bags and the like. So got that all done, headed to the Hyatt. We find out that Kat and Ryu are still driving, so shultzie and I go to the nearby mall, hang there, then head to the Hyatt and hang out in the lobby. That's when we find out that Kat CANNOT check into the room she booked because that hotel required you to be at least 21 to check in. So yeah, crap comes up, so while they're trying to figure it all out, shultzie and I find out that there are still a few rooms left in the Hyatt where the con was taking place) for that night only (Thursday). So Kat and Ryu get to the Hyatt, reunion is fun, and then we proceed to decide to stay at the Hyatt for that night (see below post for vid).

I was hyper.

So then Kat, Ryu, and I head out to meet Nehz (shultzie was tired). So we meet Nehz, much happiness, and we eat some food, hang out, before calling it a night.

Friday, I got my dye into my hair, and Kat painted on my tattoos (amazingly well at that. Thanks again honey). We check out of the Hyatt, chuck our stuff in our cars, get our badges and then head out to grab Nehz. We get her, and then go to check into our new hotel (which was much cheaper), before heading back to the con for great fun. Hang out there, do some stuff, I got a sweet Kamina shirt (which was rather lucky due to the fact that going into the nearby mall for food would have been rather...odd if I had stayed shirtless, lol), and then we decided to head back to our hotel to just hang. Which was awesome. Kat and I took Nehz back to her place, and the group of us called it a night.

Saturday was amazing. Get up, get some breakfast, Kat touches up my tattoos, and we head off to the con. We meet Nehz there who got us front spots in the line for MST4K. Which was awesome. Very well done riffing on an older Chinese version of Dragon Ball Z (was actually a ripoff, lol). Soooo funny. Also funny and amazing? Little Kuriboh's panel of YuGioh Abridged. Those two were the best panel things of the entire con easily. Went to the not-so-great Gurren Lagann meetup between the two, and got a few good pics thanks to Kat. Nehz, Kat, and I hang out around the con, sitting in a video room for a while (but due to it being subtitled, and we being in the back, therefore not being able to understand what was going on, I listened to the sweeeeet music being played outside the room, including awesome Chrono Trigger songs. Ugh it was soooo good). We grab Hiko who finally shows up, and go to the "Anime Whoose Line is it Anyway", which was really quite poor. So yeah, not too fun stuff. So we meetup with shultzie and Ryu, grabbing some food at the mall before heading to Nehz's place to meet her infamous little brother, "The Captain". Kat spazzed out for a good long while with him before collapsing. I decided to play around with him, since little kids can be so much fun. He pretend beat me up, with me throwing myself into flips onto the ground and the like whenever he swung his little fists or feet around, pretending to hit me. It was highly amusing. We then head back to our hotel, dropping off Hiko at his car on the way, where shultzie, Kat, and I decide to call it a night and just hang at the hotel, while Ryu went out for the rave and late night Mario Party (which I originally really wanted to go to, but by that point, I didn't particularly care, was tired, and really wanted to just stay with Kat). Hanging out was awesome awesomeness.

So then it was Sunday (today). Tired, none of us cosplayed, and we headed to the Hyatt. Checked out the dealer's room for a final time, as well as the artist's alley. Kat and I went to the line for "That Guy With the Glasses" since a friend of hers wanted a pic of him. We don't get in, but Kat got her pic anyway (when the guy poked his head out the door to talk to the line that didn't get in), and we head to see some of the Q&A of Potter Puppet Pals where shultzie and Ryu were. We leave, do some wrap up videos of Youmacon, and then...we parted way. *sigh* Long distance relationships are hard.

shultzie and I head back to Canada, get through the border soooo easily. Which I found HIGHLY amusing when comparing it to when we came IN. shultzie drops me off at the train station, and heads back to his home in Wisconson.

And now here I am on my way to Toronto. I should be back home tonight by 11-11:15 PM. I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep, but my sadness of having it all over easily outweighs my care for some good sleep.

I'll try to put up some videos if possible on the train ride. This wifi is iffy at best, so I can't guarantee anything.

Sad and tired, but had a great time,

- Kastom
