I blame all of you

Hey hey,

So, everyone knows about the Winter Writing Contest, right? Well I was thinking to myself, and was like, "Ok, I'll write something for it if I happen to get an idea. Otherwise, I'm just not going to bother thinking about it." And guess what.

I got an idea.

While I was falling asleep last night.

Now I'm tired.

And I blame all of you.

I always hate that. You know when you get an idea for something, just as you're lying in bed? Sure, you may be like, "Oh, I'll remember it in the morning." But then sometimes/often you forget. So I knew that I HAD to write it down at least. So I get up, and begin writing out the basic idea.

So then I'm like, "OK, I have it written down, now just stop thinking about it, and SLEEP." I climb back into bed, and attempt to think about other things.

Which failed.


So I get up again, and begin writing out a few paragraphs for it, before being like, "OK, I might as well turn on my laptop and write it out on there instead of this scrap of paper."

So I end up getting into bed about 2 hours later than I'd originally planned. And today I had to get up early. Blargh I'm tired.

It was worth it; oh I have no doubt of that. But I'm still tired.


So I don't want to say much on the idea, but I will say this: taking after Wayward, I am using theO members in a fic.

I feel rather stupid doing this, as it's the type of thing I never thought I would do; but damn, the idea just works so well I think.

And I think this is going to end up being a mulit-chapter thing. Possibly rather long. But since the deadline for the contest is so far away, it works perfectly. I think I'll write out the first few chapters, submit them at once, then begin submitting every chapter once I finish it.

And one thing I'm going to try to do is get as many theO members as I can written into the story. Even if it's small mentions, I want to get a lot of the members in it. I think it'll be more fun that way. Not to mention it works perfectly with my idea.

Anyways, just felt the need to mention it. Also the need to whine and place the blame on you guys for being too damn interesting and fun; so much so that I'm losing sleep over wanting to write a fiction story with you all in it.

Laughing tiredly,

- Kastom
