
Hey hey,

Crap it's cold today. I'm not use to this weather yet for this winter :P Leaving for work this morning it was -25 (-13 in farenheit after a quick Internet conversion).

I have high hopes for this winter now. A fair amount of snow aleady (~2 feet-ish) and cold-ish weather. Awesome!

So I've started playing this game with my brother that he got on Wednesday. It's The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. Having never played any of the Spyro games, I only had to go on what I've heard about them. Though I do know enough to know that this game is quite different from the originals.

The game itself is mediocre, but one simple aspect makes it soooo awesome: it has co-op! So my brother and I have been playing through it. And man, co-op adventure/RPGs are so amazing. I always love finding games like this.

I'm going skiing tomorrow with two friends, so that will be fun. First ski of the season! Wooo! We're just going to a extremely tiny local hill, but meh, I can practice doing random tricks and crap I suppose XD

Anyways, I'm going to eat some Cheerios now, since I suddenly feel very hungry and sick O_o

Waiting for holidays,

- Kastom

EDIT: Just checked up on Card Sagas Wars. There's a new vid up for a new feature: Support Cards! Man, I just cannot get over how excited I am to see this game finally released. I wonder if that will ever happen, lol. I've been watching it for almost two years now...

