Holidays over, but it was oh so good...

Hey hey everyone,

Haven't been on much since the day before Christmas Eve. I've been busy.

Some family friends from Winnipeg came in for Christmas, so my family and I spent every day with them from Christmas Eve to the 29th. Mainly just dinners and the like, but we also went and saw Sherlock Holmes (quite rather good. Better than I thought really; I was expecting a terrible action-Hollywood piece of crap, but it was pretty freaking good), went skiing, and a few other little things.

One thing I found rather amusing was the amount of alcohol, more specifically wine, that I drank. Even just a few months ago I couldn't stand wine. Now all of a sudden I am loving it. I definitely drank over a bottle a each day of Christmas Eve, Day, and Boxing Day XD

For presents, I got the next three Vizbig volumes of Rurouni Kenshin, a DS game (Prince of Persia: The Fallen King), and this awesome outdoor exercise shirt.

New Year's Eve, none of my high school friends were around/available, and my Uni friends all live too far away to hang with for a day or two. Well except for one. QuantumFlux is only about an hour and a half away so we hung out, I showed him pho (and the greatness it is), and we played vidja games and drank all night. I DID come in here around 2:30 AM though, and drunkenly talked with a few people like SomeGuy. It was fun XD

Also QF gave me this awesome show "Entourage". I don't know why I like it, it kinda seems not like the type of show I'd find enjoyable, but man, it's addictive. It's funny, and I really quite like the characters. If only he'd given me more :( Dammit QF, Season 1, 2, 5, and part of 6 are not enough! XD

I guess I'll probably get into that when I get back to Uni.

Speaking of which, I'm on to my next four months of co-op. I go back tomorry. I dun wanna. I want more holidays, specifically ones that are less busy XD I'm an introvert, I need my good few days of down time XD

Anyways, I'd better clean up around the house. Stuff of mine is scattered about from the holidays, and I've been putting off cleaning up. Then I'll probably hit the bed. It's back to early mornings....

Done drinking for quite some time,

- Kastom
