
Hey hey,

So I bought Mirror's Edge on Tuesday. Played through it yesterday.

Damn, that game is soooooo good. It is definitely among my favourite games ever now.

Sure, there are a good number of problems with it, and some of the later levels aren't as fun; but man, quite plain and simply, it has the greatest immersion level I have ever experienced in a game.

When you get into the feeling of running, it just so much feels like you are actually there. The air as it rushes by you, the way your eyes adjust and focus, the way your head moves...ugh, best realistic 1st person view I've ever seen in a game.

The story...wasn't too bad. Not at all. It just wasn't polished. If there had been a few intros levels where you got to know the characters, the setting, and so on, then that would've greatly helped.

Still, it did what it needed to do to drive the game forward, so I was quite happy with it.

Also I love the main character Faith.



But yeah...wow. I want to just keep playing that so badly...and I WANT SEQUEL. I am SO happy that one is in development right now.

Anyways, enough of my fangasm-ing.

Actually one last thing: I do realize there are flaws, but man...what it has makes me overlook them due to their amazing awesome.


(actually done now)

Also going steady through The World Ends With You. Man that's a good game...

Anyways, I'm going skating tonight. The canal has opened up, so my Dad and I are going to start skating every week like last year. It's good exercise.

Also, that means I can get a Beaver Tail! <33

And then we're going for Pho for dinner.



May not like much food, but loves the food he likes,

- Kastom
