First Ever CG Anime Pic!


So today I had basically nothing to do, so on a whim I decided to make a CG anime pic following several tutorials. Here's what I managed:

It's really not that good, but I'm still pretty happy with it since it was my first ever. Anyone have any suggestions, comments? Next time I'm definitely making the hair less complicated. It took so long...

So been playing lots of Brawl online lately. It's awesome, except for the lag. But whatever, it's not TOO bad. I blame my rez's internet. It's very finicky.

So it turns out I'm on the Dean's Honour List at my University because of my fall semester's marks. Apparently less than 25% of undergraduates are on it. Wow, looks like "I did good". "I did really good"

Well I'm probably going to get to writing that article soon.


- Kastom
