Yeah, so now I have a limp.
I guess I shouldn't have been repeatedly doing all those flips on Saturday. Gah. Yesterday it wasn't so bad, 'cause I didn't really have to walk anywhere. But today is my last day of classes, and that means I have to walk around campus all today. Gah. My calf kills when I walk.
Yeah, so Jade empire is a pretty sweet game! I've already played about 5 hours. Not much, but considering I'm studyin' lots, I'm pretty happy with my progress. I can see this game getting really good. It's kinda like a mix between prince of persia and neverwinter nights. Odd combo, but they pulled it off!
Anyways, I gotta study some more. *sigh* One exam down, only 7 to go...
- Kastom
EDIT: Now HERE'S something you don't see in every game...
Heaven, eh? lol.