Article, and SKYPE

Hey hey,

So yesterday morning on my way to work, I thought up an idea for a cool article (at least I think it's cool, lol). So when I got to work, I sat down and wrote it (not like I'm THAT busy at work, Hahahahhaa...). And here it is.

At first I was going to call it "The Science of Anime: Jumping", but just before I submitted it, I realized that the way I had set it up could be seen as a Mythbusters-esque style, so I decided to call it Anime Mythbuster: Jumping. Basically I did a physical analysis (with the math and stuff, lol) of anime characters' jumping abilities.

All I can say is that it was really fun to write! By Kamina I'm a physics was so fun to use physics for something like this, even though it was something pretty simple so that it only involved basic kinematics.

So check it out and tell me what you think. I'd REALLY appreciate feedback 'cause I'm thinking of writing some more of these (I have one other idea right now, but if anyone likes what I did, and has any other ideas, please tell me, it'd be sooooo much fun to write more o' these).

Anyways, now that I'm done with my shameless self-advertising...



But yeah, anyone else that has it, let me know and I'll add you (I don't actually now how, but I assume it won't take much to figure out, lol). And can someone help me test the thing out? I want to make sure that it works with dial-up. I've read that it does, but, just to be on the safe side, I want to test before I start going all out with that thing.

So any takers? Just so you know, you'll be taking my Skype you'll have to be a little gentle with me...
Hahahahahaha...hey! Come on! It was just a joke! You don't all have to run away THAT fast!

Scaring people, but looking sexy while doing so,

- Kastom

P.S. I SAW A CRAZY HOT GIRL ON THE BUS TODAY. Well, I didn't actually see her face, or really get that good of a look at her...BUT. SHE HAD SHEENA HAIR. AND THAT IS TOO AMAZING.

*fanboys massively until shot*
