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Hello there, this is Katana, also known as Kat in some circles. I'm your friendly neighborhood twenty-two-year-old illustrator/writer whose sarcasm is second to none and harboring the ability to verbalize the parentheses in stories. I drink coffee and draw like an addict and am liable to get you into things that I like. Currently the wielder of a BFA in Illustration and a minor in English.

Questions? Comments? Death threats? Feel free to PM or message me in some iteration. I'm always around, you just don't know it.

"Some of the great artists of our time started off by doodling in class. ...Maybe. Oh heck I dunno."
- Miss Anonymous

Ima momma! 8D

It's baby Krankor!

This morning, me and Jazz [whose hands are holding the chicky there] went to the animal science room, excited to see that one of our chicks had hatched. We weren't quite sure whose egg it was from - the options were mine, hers, or Meghan's. We had labeled each egg with our names, and a quick glance showed that it was Jazz's, and - at the first look - wasn't mine. Sooo it was Meghan's, who was as happy as can be at the hatching of Humphrey.

At the end of the day, we went back to see if more chicks had hatched. One had, from another group, so the total out of the class was bumped to four. Jazz and I hung around until 4 [when I left], watching and talking and playing with them.

We decided to candle the two eggs we had left, to see what was going on. I was looking at what we thought was Humphrey when Jazz suddenly said, "That's not Meghan's egg."


Jazz was holding up the egg labeled 'Meg'. And so...


Anti-Christ chicken was born! I immediately took him out, held him, and said, "Okay, sorry chicky, your name's Krankor, not Humphrey. Okay? Okay."

I'm soooooooooo happy. In the back of my head, my hopes for the hatching of the chick were waning, so upon seeing that it was my chick, I flailed about the room and halls.

Krankor is also the dominate chicken thus far. o_o He's taken on the what we call "alpha chicky" role. He likes to jump around and hop over the feed trough, which the others don't, and eee! 8D

I'm watching Prince of Space to celebrate. XD

Twelve Days of...VV?

Remember last year, how I made a parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas? [You know what depresses me is how the stats didn't carry over properly...] I want to try it again this year.

As you may or may not recall, serious personal issues in my life prevented me from really being able to focus and finish the series - which is a bummer, because I was so close. However, this year, I totally think I can do it. >3

What is nice with the VV overhaul and the things that came from it is that I've got a whole new batch of fresh material. Things are different this time around, and there's tons of stuff to wade through and work with. I know I'm going to be eating these words in about two weeks, but for right now, I can pretend such is the truth. =D *whacked*

One problem I can think of is that a lot of the new stuff is for you you as an individual rather than the whole collective group. So while I only have four category subscriptions, somebody else could have twenty, another one two, etc. etc. Though I can probably mess around with it and make it general...and...pie...

Kat's schedule for the day:

1.) Go off to the library and help kids make gingerbread houses
2.) Go to school to assist with the Madrigals dinner and performance
3.) Be late to Movie Sign


The coming week

Last night, as I heated up some leftover Chinese food, I had a great realization: Come this time next week, all the stresses will be gone. Wooh!

-Tonight I work.
-Tomorrow night is Madrigals [I'll be late to Movie Sign, sorry!]
-Monday is an intense band day. During SSR we'll be syncing up with the chorus on a song and then actual class is going to be rough.
-Tuesday is art critique day.
-Wednesday is day one of the holiday concert.
-Thursday is day two of the holiday concert. Also, two project due in commercial art.
-Friday, I have a research paper due.

And then I'm done, basically.

Twelve days until Cinematic Titanic! *flail*

Last night was our first pep band, which proved to be a good time. Lorenza made the most freakin' epic chalkboard drawing ever. It started off as the logo for pep band, then doodled that branched out from such, and became a story of "which makes me think of..." Only about three of us actually listened the whole time, though she did explain the end to our student-teacher Mr. Lobe. [Who, might I add, is the most frickin' amazing student-teacher ever? I have him for two classes, and we've had lengthy discussions on MST3K, RPGs, Charlie the Unicorn, and Dr. Horrible.]

Afterwards, me, Missy, Ryu, Aaron, and Phil went out to Steak 'n Shake. Good times were had and very strange discussions as well. I had Ryu and Phil in my car, so we listened to Avenue Q and sung along with probably the most amazing harmony evar. XD Came home, chatted, ranted a little, fell asleep to various MST shorts...

I hope my goggles come soon. o3o

Like older, like younger

I hope my goggles come tomorrow. It's our first pep band tomorrow night, and I want to wear goggles badly...I'll stop now...

Blargh! Weather! It's been snowing a little, so I had to clean off Mitsukuni this morning. But um, problem was getting the doors open. They were iced shut, so it took a bit of effort to pull open the back door and get the ice scraper. Then the front door wouldn't open, so I had to crawl in from the back and kick it open. It's an interesting way to start the morning, but even better was finding out it was 4 degrees outside and laughing my ass off in the parking lot of school. X3;

Anyways, today was a pretty lax day. Not much going on for family living or multimedia...nor AP English...During band, there was a chorus from Ottoman University [I think] come in, so we skipped out on rehearsal for that. It only lasted half the period, so the rest of the time we hung out in the auditorium. I had my stuff with me, so I started doodling in my notebook [the sketchbook nowhere to be was in the scanner bed...]

My little sister Chelsea was sitting next to me, Phil next to her, while two of my freshmen groupies, Sarah and Danny, where a row in front. Anyways, as I doodled, Chelsea started to pay attention and was like "a real face!" [as opposed to a chibi, I guess]. That got Sarah and Danny's attentions, and the next thing I knew, I had the kiddies staring at me drawing while I went "o_o".

I was provoked to start flipping through my notes to show them stuff, which caught Phil's attention, so it became an adventure at looking at my doodles, gauging my boredom, and inquiring what-the-hell was going on when I drew them. At the front of the notebook are loose sheets of whatever, and the first one was a grammar sheet that had some doodles on it. Chelsea briefly saw it before I returned to the page I was drawing on. "Wait! I want to see the attractive man!"

Which cracked me up immensely, and I would not tell her why.

More doodleage, more jokes, though it became the whole "wow Kat, you draw attractive manmeats!" kinda thing. Much lawling.

After school, I checked on my anti-Christ chicken Krankor [dubbed so because, when candled, the inside of the shell is BLACK] and talked to Mr. Robinson about what could be up. Yesterday, I gave him a DVD with the Chicken of Tomorrow short burned onto it, and he watched it, and loved it. Wooh! XD

Then I encountered Chelsea in the hallway and finally explained to her why I laughed every time she called the doodle "the attractive man". It's Mike.

To which she said, "And that's why I'm your little sister."

They do something

So you know how I wanted goggles?

Ahaha...'s who I am.

Oh, and I did make a pretty gnarly discovery last night. *cue geek mode* So before doing RiffTrax, Mike, Kevin, and Bill did this project called The Film Crew, which is essentially like MST but without the silhouttes (they even have three sketches throughout the film). There were four releases before complications made them stop and then the sets were struck and they moved onto RiffTrax etc. etc. Whatever.

Up until now, I thought they were just on DVD. But they aren't! Three of the four are on Hulu! Sweeeeet. Though in order to watch the first one, Hollywood After Dark, you have to have a Hulu account 'cause it's marked as rated R...I think it's 'cause there's some nudity in it...

"Spain?! Ha! You still belive in Spain?"

On a closing note, I'm home sick again. -//- *cough*