Hello there, this is Katana, also known as Kat in some circles. I'm your friendly neighborhood twenty-two-year-old illustrator/writer whose sarcasm is second to none and harboring the ability to verbalize the parentheses in stories. I drink coffee and draw like an addict and am liable to get you into things that I like. Currently the wielder of a BFA in Illustration and a minor in English.
Questions? Comments? Death threats? Feel free to PM or message me in some iteration. I'm always around, you just don't know it.
"Some of the great artists of our time started off by doodling in class. ...Maybe. Oh heck I dunno."
- Miss Anonymous
I got a scholarship! And I didn't even do anything!
Just a got a letter from NIU saying that I got their...Centennial scholarship? Something like that? It's a $1,000, split between each semester, and renewable each year. But hell! This is awesome! XD
In other news, I'm going to my uncle's house tomorrow for Thanksgiving [as I have done every year of my life except last year when I lucked out with the parade >w<]. They don't have wi-fi as far as I know, but maybe I'll be able to gank a signal. XDD
Today is the 45th anniversary of Doctor Who! ZOMFGWTFBBQ! And to make this even more geektastic, tomorrow is the 20th anniversary of MST3K! WOAAAH!
Also, tonight's Movie Sign is kinda epic in that the episode premiered exactly thirteen years ago today. XDD It's the special Turkey Day version, so come on out! It's shaping up to be a good one.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night of this past week, I stayed up quite late [2am] on iScribble.net, which is basically like a chat room with a doodle board. You go, enter a room, draw, and chat. I was called this way by a couple friends on a forum, and we've been having a trio of madness every night.
Why so late, though? I'm in Central time, they live on the west coast. >>; I was fine, though. XD;
Until last night. Last night, I was in the room and made the notification that I might fall asleep. And I did, probably around 1am. I woke up at 3:26 - the other person still there [the other had gone off to see Twilight for the lulz] and still drawing. And then I stayed up. Later and later...4am, 5am, 6am, 7am...
At 7:10, I finally went to bed because the Twlight-for-the-lulz person declared she was. XD; So the trio disbanded, I rolled over on my side, put on "Time of the Apes", and fell asleep.
I didn't actually get out of bed until 1:30. >>;
Worked last night...it was a pretty good time. Started off slow, got really busy, then peetered out. Blythe and I are going to go to work on Wednesday night and have dinner. XD Also, we both want to watch Night of the Lepus after I brought up how it's been on my brain. Giant killer bunnies. Come ON.
Got a new tablet! >8D Genius G-Pen F610. 6"x10", designed for widescreens. It works beautifully.
I've decided to name it Godot. XDD [I'm getting a blue Nikon Coolpix S550 for Christmas. It's already been named Kamina.]
Two things: 1.) When they say "ultra slim", they REALLY REALLY mean it. 2.) I don't think they needed as many packing peanuts as they shipped. >o> I'm just happy they're recycled.
In other news, we're hatching chickens in animal science! XD We're on day four; they should hatch the Sunday after Thanksgiving. The one that's been labeled as "mine" in our group is, in fact, fertile and has no blood spots, so all is well. Aaaand I'm going to name it Krankor. >3>
Even if you don't like or know MST, this is just one of those videos that's way too perfect to pass up.
Does anybody remember this ad? It was on not all that long ago [within the past year or two, I think] and disturbed me to high heaven. Now perhaps is some free therapy.
So I was prodded to spill on the dealio with the boy from the post below. Lemme just say that the reactions in the comment box were exactly the same as the ones in the real world. "Who is this girl?!" "What a jerk!" "Let's go [x] them" Maaaan, it's nice to know I have a crazy mob on my side...XD