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Hello there, this is Katana, also known as Kat in some circles. I'm your friendly neighborhood twenty-two-year-old illustrator/writer whose sarcasm is second to none and harboring the ability to verbalize the parentheses in stories. I drink coffee and draw like an addict and am liable to get you into things that I like. Currently the wielder of a BFA in Illustration and a minor in English.

Questions? Comments? Death threats? Feel free to PM or message me in some iteration. I'm always around, you just don't know it.

"Some of the great artists of our time started off by doodling in class. ...Maybe. Oh heck I dunno."
- Miss Anonymous


This function is going to ruin my life...

I started at 8:10pm, when it opened. And for the past four hours, I have been glued to my laptop, hanging around with the core group of SomeGuy, Sangome, and timechaser. Floating around, hijacking rooms, and then telling SG to go start a room. We inadvertently created the most popular room thus far.

Ah, it's fun...

I Remember When...

Even at the tender age of sixteen, I am feeling rather old when it comes to today’s anime fandom. I sigh whenever the youngins at school tell me they went to their first con when they were eleven (I was fourteen). I cringe whenever I see that a ...

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Also, a car

In a few weeks time, I will have the ability to add "car" to the list of expensive things I own. ("Own" being a term meaning 'I drive it and put gas in it').

Cars go through an inheritance pattern in my family. My oldest brother, now 25, was eventually given/bought-from-my-parents the 1996 green Honda Civic. He puts it through normal young adult male abuse (and upgrades, IE, giving it a SECOND set of headlights!) before getting his own car and, well, moving out. My second brother, age 19 (soon 20) inherits said Honda before getting in a fender bender and somehow "totaling" the car.

It wasn't his fault, but I blame it on him because said accident put a major hole in my plans of inheritance.

So in need of a new car, my parents went out and bought a silver 2008 Honda Civic. (We have owned a total of three of these throughout the years.) Brother gets the gold 2000 Toyata Camry, which, when we first got it, I had said it would be my car when I was driving. Sigh. Anyways, Kat is subjugated to sharing the black 2004 Toyata Camry (notice the pattern of car-types in this family) with her mother.

However! My brother will soon be buying a car (July is the end of the model year, blah blah), which forecast I made eight years ago will come true, and I will get the golden Camry.

Guess what my dilemma is. NAMING IT, OF COURSE. *mauled* The first name I thought of was Hunny (ala Ouran), but then I was like "mmm...". Then I hopped over to Momiji. Then, after toying with my thoughts again, I remembered that I could ALSO call it Mitsukuni. And it would work, because one of the things I bought at ACen last year was a car sticker with the Ouran school logo. (The other sticker, that I bought this year, says 'My other car is a flying bison'.)

God I'm a dork.

Yes, the laptop

I love the laptop so very very much. The only beef I have with it is the location of the left Ctrl key. -_O

Right, since theO resizes images and makes text impossible to read on said images, I'm just going to point you in the direction of the photo I took and put on DA. Okay, so...yeah. There's zeh lappy known as Piers.

Maybe I've just had sub-par computers in the past, but the fact that I can brwose the interwebs, chat with my peeps, be working on a CG in Photoshop, listen to music via the Zune player and, for some bizarre reason, watch a DVD in Windows Media Center - all at the same time - makes me go "8O".

A couple of reviews I read brought up the weight of the laptop, which is about 6 pounds. My response is "If that's heavy...than you're a wuss..." However, the construction is very solid, rather than making use of cheap plastic. So that's probably going to account for some mass.

Would I recommend it? Yeah. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so happy with it. >>;



Say hello to Piers

The lappy has come. (Pictures soon lawls)