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Hello there, this is Katana, also known as Kat in some circles. I'm your friendly neighborhood twenty-two-year-old illustrator/writer whose sarcasm is second to none and harboring the ability to verbalize the parentheses in stories. I drink coffee and draw like an addict and am liable to get you into things that I like. Currently the wielder of a BFA in Illustration and a minor in English.

Questions? Comments? Death threats? Feel free to PM or message me in some iteration. I'm always around, you just don't know it.

"Some of the great artists of our time started off by doodling in class. ...Maybe. Oh heck I dunno."
- Miss Anonymous

Movie Sign, blisters, and back to school

So this is a multi-point post. Let's get right down to it.

Movie Sign
No, it is not going to be canceled, just read on.

TC and I had a good time being on Anime-Pulse and doing the podcast dealio. And apparently, Ichigo liked us enough to invite us back. And what's really nifty is that people actually liked us so we've got even more backing. Yay!

But here's the thing. Ichigo records on Sunday nights. Sunday nights that house Movie Sign. Yeah, you can probably see where this is going.

We're planning to record on February 13th. And, for the first time in two and a half years...there shall not be a Movie Sign on that night.

Wow, that's an incredibly depressing sentence to write for multiple reasons.

See, if we had like, a guaranteed five people for the night, I'd be cool with letting folks run it on their own, but we're not consistently averaging too many, so yeah, not happening.

Zeh blister
Pretty basic. I burned my hand last night at the restaurant. AGAIN WOOH.

The left hand. Left index finger. It isn't as bad as the soup incident so I'm doing good.

Back to school
Buuh, the end of winter break...

This has been an effing long winter break in which I accomplished nothing that I set out to do. Didn't learn how to use acrylic paint, nor did I do that one comic or my friend's kiriban prize or honestly draw all that much. I swear I had another goal but it's not coming to mind.

I'm going back to my dorm on Monday, which I learned was a far more intelligent decision than I could've ever hoped. Food places don't open up until Monday. And a bunch of my freshmen minions are back so I get to force to help me move in HA.


So...that art scholarship thing totally wasn't what I thought it would be...

Or rather, it was exactly what I thought it would be, but the other girl who won made me go "......=n=......" My self-confidence got completely sapped away and I felt like such a gabbling moron. Summary: She was an attention whore and I felt very much intruded upon when it came my moment to speak.

But I got the money, and the five people who did like me were very nice and sociable, so that's cool.

In complete other news, I'm announcing my official "yes I'm going" to Anime Milwaukee on February 19th. Me and three dorm buddies are going to head up for the day and goof off. 95% sure I'll be doing my 11th Doctor cosplay again, if just 'cause I like it and I'll also have a knitted TARDIS hat in addition to my 4 scarf.

Also, today is 1/11/11. WHO CARES AHHH

Tweetaku 13

My mom, folding laundry: "No more of these t-shirts, you're wasting your money."

Right, because me wearing shirts that are not offensive by any means but instead a bit artsy, sometimes funny, and on the whole unique, not to mention are shirts I wear all the time and cycle through equally, is a waste of my money.

What do you want me wearing, Mom?

Ooh, that's fancy

I got a scholarship! :O

Clarification: It isn't too big but I do get to go to a meeting of the group I got it from and have it all fancily presented. That's something to look forward to.

And, yeah, I have to show you what I submitted because that's how I roll. (Submitted in early November.)

Tuesday is the meeting, and they even asked me to bring my actual work to show to the board members and people. This is very cool for multiple reasons but one in particular...let's just say it may lead to greener pastures.

So in short, External Image


It's up! The Anime Pulse episode with me and TC got posted, at least over at AP, so I'm linking to that one first!



Edit: It's also up on theO as well (shoulda linked to this about 18 hours ago). Listen and comment, yesplz!