Wait, hang on, got the emote...
I entered another art show, this time a different Art In Your Eye thingie ma thingie. It's part of some festival Batavia has and it's basically a big showcase gallery of artwork that people submit.
Okay I'm too tired to continue this YAAAY I GOT ACCEPTED IN YAAAAY
The two oil pastel portraits I did in school were taken in by the judge and that's awesomesauce. I don't think I'll win, since this is the sort of "flowery landscapes" kind of winner, but hey. The midget child got in and this is a chance to possibly spread my name around to the housewives of the area. :V
Yesterday I finally got out of the house and did things that didn't involve going to Geology or having appointments for something. Mom dragged me out of bed a lot earlier than I would've liked to go to Swedish Days, this sort of festival thing that goes on in Geneva every year. Something about celebrating the Swedish settlers of the place except that it's just sort of a thing with food and craft tents and carnival rides and...things.
The major point of the day was finally hanging out with my idkbff, since the two of us have majorly clashing schedules. The plan changed about four times before we settled on meeting at 5, going out for food, and then figuring out what to do. We went to this sushi/hibachi place that does the cooking on the table in front of you. I also had a coupon, so we got out of there pretty cheap.
Hanging out with her is something I haven't done in a long while. We go to different schools, we had different vacations, and like I said, our work schedules are just totally out of whack. But I love it when we can, since we really are in sync and making jokes the whole time.
During food eating, we randomly decided to go see Toy Story 3, but not before going to Meijer to get snacks and talking in Italian gangster accents and wandering around the store for an hour.
Toy Story 3 made me cry. :< It also made me wonder what it would be like for my Zoids models to come to life. o__O
I also watched the (reruns) of the new Futurama episodes, and I was very pleasantly surprised at just how natural it felt. Although that guy in the commercial lead-in who went "Are you a fan of non-animated non-canceled shows not set in the future?" I echo what a friend of mine on Twitter said: "Let's see...MSTie, Whovian, watching Futruama...nope!"
And now I'm off to Terumi's house for the weekend. Mom and Dad aren't exactly happy, for different reasons, but whatever. I want out of here and I want to see my friends. :|
With the exception of bussing on the weekends (which hasn't been very much and for reasons I said were okay and that shall only be for the summer), I haven't been working a whole lot. Granted, I'm doing my Geology class on Mondays and Wednesdays from noon to about 4 or 5, which eats up the afternoon. Considering I don't wake up early, it's fine.
Got a call yesterday about doing orientations at the art building, and I'm like, sure thing. Except not Mondays or Wednesdays. So now I'm working every Tuesday and Thursday from here until the end the middle of July (six days total). What makes me happy is that this means I get to interact with freshies!
I like freshmen, I mean, I love younger kids. And I mean this in a good way. For the most part, they're annoying, but you find that outcrop and they're fun. And it never hurts to kind of hunt around and maybe find a kid that could use your help.
This also means ahhhh I'll be waking up with an alarm every day except Friday and the weekend. >__>
No, this doesn't mean my sleeping habits will change any. <__<
But this does mean I'll be poking out at the GameStop out there for the copy of Tales of the Abyss they apparently have. :V
Geology let out early today, and I set out with a mission. I set out with the purpose of finding a PS2 because back in the day, my brother was a moron and sold our system. I don't know why.
First I went to Super Target to poke around. Turns out they've renovated their electronics section, totally throwing me off. They got rid of the display cases and made it extremely difficult to find systems, though at least you can investigate boxes...Also, there's an entire aisle for mediocre Wii games whereas the 360 and PS3 get barely a half aisle each. Confusing.
Anyway, I knew I could get the system cheaper, so I left and went for the GameStop. ...Aaaand apparently it was closed down in the time I wasn't here. Huzzah. So I go down the road and end up at the other one and found my system~!
No Tales of the Abyss, and neither was it a mile down the road. There apparently is a copy at the store near my college, but I'd rather not journey out there just for that...
I did, however, buy Dynasty Warriors 3 (because that series is my UBER guilty pleasure) and Sly 2: Band of Thieves 'cause, uh, it was there. So I have stuff to kill time on for the moment.
Yay on being one generation behind! :D
It sucks to go shopping, armed with coupons and all, and not find a single thing worth buying.
Though I did get to say "C'mon girls, let's get wet!" since it was raining. (Trip, you're not allowed to watch.)
Now I'm going to try and make an entry for Otaku Battle Royal that isn't all sparkly kaiwaii desu. *avoid brick* draw Baron von Doctor, apparently. (:/ Wtf brain)