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Hello there, this is Katana, also known as Kat in some circles. I'm your friendly neighborhood twenty-two-year-old illustrator/writer whose sarcasm is second to none and harboring the ability to verbalize the parentheses in stories. I drink coffee and draw like an addict and am liable to get you into things that I like. Currently the wielder of a BFA in Illustration and a minor in English.

Questions? Comments? Death threats? Feel free to PM or message me in some iteration. I'm always around, you just don't know it.

"Some of the great artists of our time started off by doodling in class. ...Maybe. Oh heck I dunno."
- Miss Anonymous

Oh hey, that's pretty cool

So something fairly awesome happened tonight. Here's a video to sum up my feelings: ...

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ACen and the Hotel de Kat

ACen's coming up! And herein I make my plan, which I shall make a bullet list for 'cause I'm just feeling that way:

- I'm recycling my Maya Fey costume to save some scratch. Also, it's a really good costume that I only wore once. Just need to get a new wig, no problem.

- The con is May 14-16th. I'm done with school the week before. *DANSU*

- I got to thinking...I think I'll be commuting to the con this year. It's not exactly an issue of money on my part, but I'd like to try and limit myself on spending in order to get my dad off my back about it. =n=;

- Since I'm 80% sure I'll be commuting, I'd like to once again bring up the offer of the Hotel de Kat, aka my basement. And here is where I get serious, so NO MORE BULLETS WOOH!

You know I trust you guys. Also, a lot of you know that my parents are actually pretty cool and non-paranoid about my many fabled internet friends. So here's the deal: If you would like to come to ACen but are concerned about lodgings, I extend this offer to you, and I seriously do mean it. You need your parents to talk to me and/or my parents? No problem. I'm fine with that. All I ask for is some cash in return to pay for the commute and (mostly) the parking fees.

And since I'm out of school by that point anyway, I could also pick you up if you come in to Chicago anywhere. So yeah. We coo'.

In other news: SoulSilver is eating my soooooul. XD But what I have noticed is that I do get sick of it and have to turn my DS off for a little bit, so I'm not going at it like crazy. Not gonna lie though, I was playing it during my 3D critique last night and Coms today during speeches. :x

Omake Theater: Late Night Reading

*sighs* Okay, so, I'm a dork. This I'm pretty sure you all know pretty well by now, and if you don't, then I advise you to review what you know about me and make sure it's all correct. Anyway. Not only am I a teenage girl, but I've a...

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The end of mah first Challenge!

So it's the end-end, and because I'm awake I was able to just dish out the award right away. Good stuff.

First off, I'd like to thank everyone who entered. I wasn't really expecting the thing to go far, since it is, you know, a writing challenge, but I was proven wrong. Nineteen entries! That just blew my mind.

I think what it did to me the most was get me to see other people more. I obviously had to read all the entries in order to pick the winner, and a lot of them were actually quite good, despite what some may think at a first glance.

When it came down to judging, I had this immense feeling of dread because of the decision I had to make. I will be honest and say I had a pretty clear idea as to who I thought would be the winner, but then I saw that there were options for runner-ups. And I was so torn at that, because there are only two options and I had about four I wanted to put there. Then I thought...should I? Because I only included a single winner in my description...Then I realized...I'd have to really narrow it down, and it was just too hard. So in the end, I stuck to my word and just went with out.

There really were some amazing entries. A lot of them surprised me, a lot made me laugh, and just a few really tugged at my heartstrings. It was a great experience, to say the least.

So again, thanks to EVERYONE who participated. Even if you didn't get a chance to enter, I appreciate your intent, as that also means a lot to me.

Alright, I'm done being all mushy and weird...time to go oekaki doodling...

Thanks to SMS

If you dunno what SMS is, I hang you over to Wiki magic.

There are some things I quite enjoy about being tight with you guys, and that is the fact that I have a rather sizable list of internet contacts in my cell's directory. And as you all know, I'm liable to call you if given your number.

Anyway, between me and Missy last night/this morning/whatever:

Missy - 2:16am: XD It's cuz of that avatar you were using. Divine punishment or something.
Kat - 2:17am: But - free porn! FREE!!!
Missy - 2:19am: If free porn told you to jump off a bridge, would you?! *pie'd*
Kat - 2:19am: Free porn isn't a sentinent being...
Missy - 2:20am: Says you.
Kat - 2:21am: ...o-o

Also, lawl to everyone who did the URL game.

And "omgwtfbbq" to everyone using my TCG drawings as avatars. xD